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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    QPR Metrics Plugin Settings

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    In this section you can define settings for the QPR Metrics Plugin.



    General Settings

    To enable caching in browsers, check Allow browser caching. With this option selected, browsers save and fetch pages from the local hard drive instead of downloading them from the QPR Web Application Server. However, if the model data is changed, users may not see the changes because they are viewing the old data stored in their computers.


    The Use buffered value input check box defines whether value input is allowed when the model is reserved e.g. for recalculation. In the case buffered input is allowed, values can be input when the model is reserved, but the new values are stored in a temporary buffer and applied to the model once the reservation is freed.


    The Enable hyperlinks for text values check box defines whether hyperlinks are created automatically in QPR Portal from URLs entered as text type measure values.



    What's New Page

    Here you can define settings for the What's new page of the QPR Portal. To load the default What's new page settings, select the "Default" option in the Listing settings field. To use custom settings, select the "Custom" option.


    If you select the custom page settings, you can set the minimum and maximum number of entries to show for QPR Metrics element types and actions on the What's new page either by entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value. Note that these settings do not affect the Summary mode of the What's New but the listings for a single element type instead.


    You can also define the maximum number of days for which an event is displayed on the What's new page. By default, the what's new list includes only events that have occurred within the past 7 days.



    Graphical Views

    To enable the Scorecard View in the Web Client, select the Enable graphical views checkbox.


    Select the graphical view technology you have installed from the Graphical views technology drop-down menu. In the case this setting is incorrect, the graphical views don't work, so it is important that this setting matches the capabilities of the web browsers used for browsing QPR Portal. The table below lists the known limitations with different options:





    None with Internet Explorer. With other browsers extra pop-up menu functionality (Show/Hide toolbar and subelements) may not work.

    Microsoft Silverlight


    The Use bitmap text in graphical views checkbox defines whether the SVG/Silverlight views display text as bitmap graphics instead of using text capabilities of SVG and Silverlight. This setting is useful e.g. in situations where some language-specific features such as joining characters based on their context don't work properly.



    Web File Publishing Directory

    In the Path field, specify the directory where web published files are saved.


    Select the Remove extra files at startup checkbox to clean the folder of all files before beginning any web publishing.


    Warning! By checking this option, you will lose all the other files that reside in the specified folder. It will completely clear your directory, including anything that is not related to the web publishing files.



    Web File Publishing URLs

    In the Web file directory URL field you can define the location from which the QPR Web Application Server can access the files to be published to the QPR Portal/QPR Metrics Web Client. All web-published files can then be viewed from the Reports page of the QPR Portal.


    If necessary, you can define a different URL in which the reports are opened. To do this select the Use different URL for reports checkbox. When this option is selected, a suggested URL, which is based on the Web File Directory URL, will appear in the field. You can modify the URL in the URL for reports field.


    Note! Even if you use reports, you do not have to use the alternative URL for the reports.



    Report Options

    In the Report file extension field, you can define the report file extension to be used.



    Scorecard Visibility

    From the Scorecard hierarchy section, select which scorecards are hidden in the scorecard hierarchy in QPR Portal, when the user doesn't have enough rights:

    Show all: No scorecards are hidden.

    Show only accessible as a list: Scorecards for which the user has no rights are hidden, after which the scorecard hierarchy is flattened so that the remaining scorecards do not form a hierarchy.

    Hide inaccessible leaves: If the user doesn't have rights for a scorecard that has no children or the user doesn't have rights for the children, that scorecard and its children are hidden from the hierarchy. All other scorecards are left visible, even if the user had no rights for them.

    Hide inaccessible branches: Scorecards for which the user has no rights and all its children are hidden from the hierarchy, no matter if the user had rights for some of the children.

    Hide all inaccessible: Scorecards for which the user has no rights are hidden from the hierarchy and their children are attached under the deepest prevailing parent. If a user has no rights for the parents, the children are moved to the top level.


    From the Scorecard names section, select how the names of the scorecards for which the user has no rights but still remain visible in the scorecard hierarchy in QPR Portal are shown:

    Show all names: The names of the scorecards for which the user has no rights are shown, but the links are not clickable.

    Hide names of inaccessible scorecards: The names of the scorecards for which the user has no rights are not shown. Instead, their names are displayed as "Access Denied".