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    QPR Web Application Server Settings

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    In this section you can define settings for the QPR Web Application Server.


    Session Settings

    Here you can define the Expiration timeout setting. The Expiration timeout setting defines the time how long a user can be idle before he or she has to log in again. You can change the value either by entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.



    Cache Settings

    Here you can define the maximum amount of server computer memory QPR Web Application Server is allowed to consume. Define the desired value in megabytes to the Server memory usage limit field. The value of this setting affects e.g. the amount of models cached in the memory and therefore also for example searches.


    The % of maximum memory freed if limit exceeded setting defines the per cent value of the threshold for the Server memory usage limit when the memory limit has been exceeded, so that WAS will drop models from memory until memory usage is <value>% under the specified Server memory usage limit. The default value is 20.


    The Cache embedded attachments to section defines how embedded attachments will be stored in the local computer. The options are:


    Memory (always) The attachments will be always stored in RAM.

    Disk (always) The attachments will be always stored in files.

    Disk after the size exceeds (to memory before that) The attachments will be stored in RAM and when the defined maximum size is exceeded, they will be stored in a file instead of memory. You can change the maximum size in the field below the option either by entering a new value manually to the field or by using the arrows on the right side of the field to scroll to the desired value.



    Web Content

    Here you can define settings for the QPR Web Application Server's web contents.


    Enter the location of your Web contents into the Web content URL field. This is often (localhost)




    You cannot use if QPR Web Application Server is accessed from other computers or the web server is installed on some other computer.  You have to set either the IP address or the web server's server name (for example "") to this parameter instead. Users are not able to see any images if is used.


    The Web content URL field points to the location where the QPR Web Application Server's web content files are installed in your web server. QPR Web Application Server (WAS) uses this URL when it generates links to the HTML files, images and other web content files that WAS and other installed QPR plugins use.


    The Web content URL  is composed of three sections:

    <Connection type  >://<Server name or IP address  >/<Custom location of the files  >/

    Connection type

         -      http - if normal web connection is used.

         -      https - if secure (SSL) web connection is used.

    Server name or IP address  is an address that uniquely identifies the web server. If you use the QPR Web Application Server only on your own computer and the web server is installed on the same computer, then you can use the local host address If QPR Web Application Server is accessed from other computers or the web server is installed on some other computer, then you have to set either the IP address or the web server's server name (for example "") to this parameter.

    Custom location of the files  is relative to web server's wwwroot (document root) directory, which is the default directory from where the web server looks first for all published web content. Normally the QPR Web Application Server web content is installed directly to the wwwroot, so this parameter is empty.


    Some examples of web content URL if installed to a web server which resides at the same computer as QPR Web Application Server, and is accessed only from the same computer:


         -      Web content installed to wwwroot, using a normal web connection:

         -      Web content installed to wwwroot, using a secure web connection:

         -      Web content installed to directory "QPRWas" located under wwwroot, using a normal web connection:


    Some examples of the web content URL if installed on a web server which resides at "" (IP address and/or has to be accessible to other computers also:


         -      Web content installed to wwwroot, using a normal web connection: or

         -      Web content installed to wwwroot, using a secure web connection: https:// or

         -      Web content installed to directory "QPRWas" located under wwwroot, using a normal web connection: or


    The Script location setting defines the exact location of the CGI binary or the ISAPI DLL file (qpr.isapi.dll is recommended on the Windows platform. qpr.cgi and qpr.cgi.exe can be used as fallbacks depending on the platform) as a URL. For example, http://hostname/QPRQPR2023-1/Portal/qpr.isapi.dll.


    In the Default login view section you can select the contents of the QPR Portal login view. The default login view can be either default (QPR Homepage) or a custom address, which can be typed into the Custom URL field.



    QPR Portal Appearance Settings

    The Default Portal mode setting defines the QPR Portal mode for a user that hasn't previously logged into QPR Portal.


    The Enable Portal mode change by user setting defines whether a button for changing the QPR Portal mode between Mini Portal and Standard Portal is shown.


    The Default details pane mode setting defines the QPR Portal Details Pane mode for a user that hasn't previously logged into QPR Portal.


    The Enable details pane mode change by user setting defines whether it is possible to change the Details Pane mode in QPR Portal.


    Select the Enable link to QPR Reporting checkbox to have a Reports tab visible in QPR Portal. The Reports tab provides access to reports generated by QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office.

    In addition, select the QPR Reporting file type used for the generated reports.


    The Year offset for display values setting defines an offset (positive or negative) to be applied to the year values displayed in QPR Portal to accommodate for different calendars. Note that this setting affects only how the values are displayed, so calculations are not affected and two QPR Web Application Servers can utilize the same database with different offsets. However, negative offsets large enough to cause negative year values to be displayed in QPR Portal should not be used. Note that this setting affects also situations where action attribute values of the type date are inputted. In those cases a reverse offset is applied to the values before inputting them to the database in order to maintain database consistency.