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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR Web Services Foundation > Functions


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    Revision history:

    Introduced in QPR 8.0


    Performs a query and returns the results as a string containing XML. Apart from the return value type this function behaves similarly as QueryObjects, so please see the sub-sections of that function listing for more information about the functions and attributes available.




    string QueryObjectsAsXml (string sessionId, string query, string criteria, string sortBy, string attributes, string options)


    Return Value:


    Result set of the query as a string containing XML. If the set contains objects to which the user does not have rights to, only object ID is returned for those.




    sessionId: String. ID of an authenticated session.

    query: String. The actual query. See the Query Syntax section for syntax information.

    criteria: String.

    sortBy: String.

    attributes: String. Comma-separated list of attributes that are included in the results.

    options: String. Additional options for the query.


    Example Procedure:


    ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IService");

    string sessionId = client.Authenticate("qpr", "demo");

    string xmlElement = client.QueryObjectsAsXml(sessionId, "[SC.1].SubObjects", "", "", "", "");

