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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Scorecards

    Model Properties View

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    You can view the properties of the model by clicking the name of the active model above the scorecard hierarchy. The properties shown are the name of the model, feedback e-mail address, and description.


    Below the model properties section there is a section displaying information about the model database. The information shown is: location and port of the server and the location of the model in the server database. If QPR Portal is not in the read-only mode and you have at least Update rights to QPR Portal, there is an Edit button next to the Database location field. Clicking the button opens the current model into the QPR Metrics client for modification.


    Clicking the Copy Link button in the toolbar copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.