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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR Scripting > Running QPR Scripts

    Security Level for Executing QPR Scripts

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    The ability to run QPR scripts can be defined by setting a security level for the scripts under the "[ScriptSettings]" section in the QPR_Clients.ini file. The setting for defining the security level is ClientSecurity. The available levels are as follows:





    Scripts cannot be run.


    Scripts can be run from the QPR Metrics or QPR Modeling clients using either the Run (QPR Metrics) or Open File Model (QPR Modeling Client) functionality. A confirmation is asked before executing the script.


    Scripts can be run from the QPR Metrics or QPR Modeling clients using either the Run (Metrics) or Open File Model (QPR Modeling Client) functionality. No confirmation is asked before running the script.


    In addition to running scripts from the clients, scripts can be run also by double-clicking a script file in the Windows explorer.


    As with ClientSecurity=3. In addition, Integrated Windows Authentication is allowed.