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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal Training Guide > Briefing Booklets

    Selecting Recipients for the Briefing Booklet

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    You can select the QPR Portal users to who you are going to publish your briefing booklet.


    mouse_24 Exercise 23: Select the Recipients for the Briefing Booklet.


    BTN_AR131. On the My Contents tab, select the My Briefings view:


    BTN_AR132. On the Toolbar, click btn_manage_briefing_booklets Manage Briefing Booklets.
    BTN_AR133. The Manage Briefing Booklets window opens. From Briefing Booklets list, select the Logistics Division Monthly Briefing booklet, and select the Recipients tab.
    BTN_AR134. Click the Edit Users button.
    BTN_AR135. Choose the Demo User (qpr) from the user list, click the > button, and click OK:
