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    Service Installation

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    QPR Server components (i.e. QPR Metrics Server, QPR BizArchitecture Server, QPR Foundation Server, QPR Web Application Server, and QPR Web Services Server) can be installed as service. In the case you are installing one of more QPR server components and you have selected service to be installed, the QPR Service installation will be performed after the files are installed. The QPR Service controls all QPR Suite 2023.1 server components (except for QPR Web Services Server which has its own subservice) installed on the computer.


    In the case you selected service to be installed during the installation, you are asked whether you want the service to be started during Windows start-up. Also, if you selected the "Standalone as a service" option during the installation, you will be asked for the user account under which the service is run. If you need more configuration options regarding the service such as installing it with a different name or creating service dependencies, please install the service from the command line after the installation. See the instructions below for more information.


    In addition, if QPR Web Services Server is installed and service installation is selected, a separate QPR WS Service 2023.1 service is installed. The WS service starts automatically when the main service is started.



    What's the difference between "Standalone as a service" and "Server as a service" options?

    The "Standalone as a service" option is aimed at local installations where the whole QPR system is used mainly by one user for development and demonstration purposes. Both standalone options install Microsoft SQL Server Express LocalDB as the database with QPR demo content included. The "Standalone as a service" option makes the standalone option available as a service, but as LocalDB is not compatible with a service running as the local system, using this option requires entering a local user account for running the service. This is typically your Windows user account.


    The "Server as a service" option installs the service to the local system account by default and therefore LocalDB is not installed with this option but you have to provide a functional database instance instead. This option is intended for production server installations where the server will be accessed by multiple users. If you need to use the service with some other account than the local system, skip service installation during the initial installation and install the service manually after the initial installation.



    Service Installation Using Command Line Parameters


    Services can be installed and uninstalled with command line parameters as well. With the command line installation option you can install the service later on even if you have decided not to install it during the QPR 2023.1 installation. The installation/uninstallation is done by launching the QPR.Init.exe in the Utilities folder under the QPR 2023.1 installation folder followed by a parameter. The parameters are:

    -i for installing the service. For example, launching 'qpr.init.exe -i' in the Utilities folder starts service installation for the QPR Service 2023.1.

    -d for uninstalling the service. For example, launching 'qpr.init.exe -d' in the Utilities folder uninstalls the QPR Service 2023.1.

    -b4 for installing the WS service. For example, launching 'qpr.init.exe -b4' in the Utilities folder starts service installation for the QPR WS Service 2023.1.

    -u4 for uninstalling the WS service. For example, launching 'qpr.init.exe -u4' in the Utilities folder uninstalls the QPR WS Service 2023.1.


    NOTE: If you are installing QPR services manually, make sure that the Standalone option in the Servers section of QPR_Shared.ini is set to 0. The Standalone option is not compatible with services.