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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Administrator's Guide > User Management & Security > Authentication Methods > NT & LDAP Authentication

    With "UMS only" Group Management

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    This chapter describes the steps required for setting the authentication method to either the NT or LDAP authentication method.


    1. Create a group to UMS (Note that the same group does not have to exist in NT/LDAP).

    2. For this group, select the appropriate access rights settings for each QPR product.

    3. Next you must enable NT/LDAP authentication by selecting the Windows NT and/or LDAP options in the "Authentication method" sub-section of the QPR Foundation Server / General section in the QPR Configuration Manager.

    4. Restart UMS Server if it was running while you were changing settings


    You can also define a default user group to UMS for Windows NT/LDAP users. By using this option it's possible to authenticate users easily, using product permissions defined to the default user group in UMS.


    A group can be made the default group in the following way:

    Open the QPR Configuration Manager utility

    Go to the QPR Foundation Server / General section.

    Select "UMS Only" in the "User Group" sub-section

    Insert the new group's name into the Default User Group field in the "User group" sub-section.


    If the default group is used, users are created into the default group when the following preconditions are met:  

    1. User does not exist in UMS    

     - NT/LDAP login is successful  

     - The default group has enough rights to the product the user is logging into

    2. User exists in UMS  

     - NT/LDAP login is successful

     - User uses group rights

     - User does not belong to any group  


    Note: Users can be members of multiple UMS groups:

    You can define only one default group for all users

    User rights override group rights

    Stronger group rights override weaker group rights


    See also the "Adding Generic Single Sign-On Authorized Users to QPR User Management System" section in the Using Single Sign-On with QPR Products topic.