Create a Custom Shape for Notes and Add a Note to the Model
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Create a Custom Shape for Notes and Add a Note to the Model
Exercise 111: Create a custom shape for notes and add a note to the Hierarchy View.
1. Open the Dentorex Group Scorecard model.
2. Use a graphics editor to create a desired kind of a background symbol for a note. Save it either as a BMP, PNG, GIF, or a JPG image. Note that for transparent images you need to use either PNG or GIF. In addition, BMP images with the size of 16x16 pixels or smaller use the color in the bottom left corner of the image as the transparent color.
3. On the Model tab of the ribbon, click the Modeling Options button. The Modeling Options window opens.
4. Switch to the Shape types tab and click New. The Shape Type window opens.
5. Name the shape type as Exercise Note and add a description for it if you like:
6. Click OK.
7. In the Modeling Options window, select the newly created Exercise Note and click the Layout button:
8. The Symbol Layout window opens. From the Items list, drag the Picture over the background shape:
9. A dialog for selecting a picture file opens. Browse for the file you created in step 1.
10. Resize the image to the desired size and align it over the background shape. Note that the background shape is the area that will react when the shape is clicked for e.g. moving the shape. Therefore it is good to make the background shape cover as much of the shape as possible. However, background shape does not have transparency, so it should not cover areas where transparency is needed.
11. Right-click the picture and select Properties... (Picture) from the pop-up menu:
12. The Properties... (Picture) window will open. Switch to the Alignment tab.
13. Set both the horizontal alignment and vertical alignment to container to Center:
14. Switch to the Size tab. From the drop-down menus, set the Width and Height to use the Percent of container setting and set the value to 100:
15. Click OK to close the Properties... (Picture) window.
16. Similarly as in step 11, drag a Text box onto the symbol area.
17. Right-click the text box and select Properties... (Text box).
18. Type in some text to the Text field. Optionally, you can define other settings too. Click OK after you are done. The note symbol is now ready.
19. Close the Modeling Options window and open the Hierarchy View.
20. Select the shape you defined earlier from the Shapes section in the Tool Palette and then click on the Hierarchy View. Alternatively, right-click on an empty area and expand the Add Shape submenu in the pop-up menu that opens. Select the shape type you defined earlier.
21. Drag the note to a location of your choice. The View needs to be saved to preserve the added shape. You can also add multiple notes and customize the layout of the individual notes.
See the Symbol Layout Windowtopic in QPR Metrics - User's Guide for more information.