QPR Knowledge Base 2017.1

Using Instances

Using Instances

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Using Instances

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Instantiating a element of any type is a convenient way to reuse a common part of process (e.g. a review procedure) in several places. Note that when modifying one of the instantiated elements, all changes reflect also to all instances of that element.


mouse_24 Exercise 59: Instantiate a subprocess.


BTN_AR131. Open the Combining Subprocesses Lesson model.
BTN_AR132. On the Tool Palette, select the Subprocess drawing tool.
BTN_AR133. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the diagram.
BTN_AR134. A list for selecting model element opens. Select the subprocess you wish to instantiate and click OK.

A new subprocess is created with the information of the original process step included.



Another way to instantiate a process step, a custom element, or a store is to select the name of the element to be instantiated from the drop-down menu displayed on the new element.


mouse_24 Exercise 60: Use Intellisense Instancing.


BTN_AR131. Create a new model using the Default settings template.
BTN_AR132. On the Tool Palette, select the Activity process step.
BTN_AR133. Click on the diagram to create an Activity process step and give it a name.
BTN_AR134. Create another Activity process step. Notice how it has a drop-down menu on the place where you would type its name:


BTN_AR135. Open the drop-down menu by pressing the arrow button:


BTN_AR136. The process step you created earlier will be in the list. Select the process step you created earlier from the list to create a new instance of it. It is also possible to filter the items in the list by first typing a part of the name of the element you want to instantiate.

For more information on instantiating, see the Defining Instances topic in QPR Modeling Client - User's Guide.