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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client Training Guide > Defining the Modeling Notation

Changing a Flow's Style

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It is possible to use other flow styles apart from the default "elbow" flow with 90 degree turns. A single flow's appearance can be defined in the Flow Graphical Properties dialog accessible by right-clicking on the flow. Model-wide settings can be defined in the Modeling Options dialog accessible from the Model tab of the ribbon.


mouse_24 Exercise 68: Change a flow style.


BTN_AR131. Create a new model using the Default settings template.
BTN_AR132. Draw two Activity process steps and connect them with a Control flow.
BTN_AR133. Move one of the Activity process steps so that the flow has a turn in it.
BTN_AR134. Right-click on the flow and select Graphical Properties... from the popup menu.
BTN_AR135. Remove the selection from the Use default connector style check box.
BTN_AR136. Change the line style by selecting Straight from the Arrow Style drop-down list.
BTN_AR137. Click OK. The flow should now go straight from the first Activity to the second Activity, without any turns in it.