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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client Training Guide > Defining the Modeling Notation

Changing the Modeling Direction of a Diagram

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The modeling direction can be set to be either horizontal (organization items are horizontal rows and modeling is usually done from left to right) or vertical (organization items are vertical columns and modeling is usually done from up to down). This setting affects the main level diagram and all the diagrams that are created afterwards. For subprocesses the default setting is horizontal, but it can also be defined in the process step type settings or individually for each subprocess.


mouse_24 Exercise 67: Change the modeling direction from horizontal to vertical.


BTN_AR131. Open the Modeling Direction Exercise model.
BTN_AR132. Right-click on the diagram and expand the Modeling Direction submenu.
BTN_AR133. Select Vertical as the modeling direction.


BTN_AR134. The modeling direction is now changed from horizontal to vertical.