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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

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Editing the Graphical Properties of an Element

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The graphical properties of an element can be defined by right-clicking the element and selecting Graphical Properties... from the popup menu. The graphical properties that can be set vary a bit depending on the element type.


mouse_24 Exercise 66: Edit the Graphical Properties of an organization item.


BTN_AR131. Create a new model using the default settings template.
BTN_AR132. From the Tool Palette, select Organization Item, click on the diagram to create the organization item and give it a name.
BTN_AR133. Right-click on the organization item you just created and select Graphical Properties... from the popup menu. A dialog will open.



BTN_AR134. Select the Fill tab and remove the selection from the Use default fill style check box:


BTN_AR136. Select the color from the Primary Color drop-down menu.
BTN_AR137. If you want all the organization items to be the color you just selected click on Save as Default. In this case we don't. Click OK to close the dialog.

For more information on graphical properties of a particular element type, see the QPR Modeling Client - User's Guide's corresponding topic (e.g. "Process Step Graphical Properties Dialog").