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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Model Elements > Custom Element

Element Hierarchy Properties Dialog

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The Element hierarchy properties dialog shows the name, the symbol, and the description of the hierarchy, and the element types that are parts of the hierarchy.




You can freely edit the name of the hierarchy. In the case multilingual modeling is enabled, a translation can be defined for the name.




The symbol is used to identify the hierarchy in QPR Portal, when doing XML imports and exports, and when doing copy-pasting in the QPR Modeling Client. Because of these reasons, the symbol must be unique inside the model. You can edit the value of the symbol, but it can contain only alphanumeric characters in upper case or lower case. In the case the value you enter is not unique or not alphanumeric, you can have QPR Modeling Client select an unique symbol automatically.




You can add a description for the hierarchy. In the case multilingual modeling is enabled, a translation can be defined for the description.



Default Hierarchy

This setting is the same as the Default Hierarchy setting in the Modeling Options Dialog topic.



Element types in the hierarchy

This list shows all the element types that are parts of this hierarchy. The "Part of" and "Node type" columns have the same functionality as is described in the Custom Element Type Dialog topic.