Process steps are essential parts of the process. They represent what is done in the process. Process step has the following properties:
process step type
organization item and process level
incoming connectors
outgoing connectors
connected notes
connected measure values
In QPR Modeling Client the process steps can be divided into different categories: e.g. activities, decisions, main processes and subprocesses. Process step types are user-defined and they are part of the Modeling Options. Typically an activity is used to represent process steps where something is done, e.g. Handle order. A decision is a process step in which some decision is taken, e.g. Check credit. Often alternative routes start from the decision depending on which decision is made. A main process is used for the main process level element. A subprocess is used to indicate that this process step can be divided into more process steps. A subprocess is then modeled in more detail on the lower process level.
Process steps can be instantiated within the model for use in various places. This is useful with business processes which involve the occurrence of the same action/activity/decision-making at several places within the business process or its constituent subprocesses.
An organization item is the place in which process step takes place and owner is the person (personnel resource) responsible for this process step. Incoming connectors are the inputs to this process step and outgoing connectors are the outputs. Information items are external information that is attached to the process step, e.g. quality system documentation, work instructions or templates. Resources specify the usage of resources for the process step.