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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

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Linking QPR Modeling Client with Microsoft Office SharePoint

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In order to be able to use the resources available in a Microsoft Office SharePoint server, the "SharePointSiteURLs" key in QPR_Clients.ini needs to contain a valid Microsoft SharePoint site URL, and the SharePoint server needs to be up and running.


mouse_24 Exercise 64: Link a document in Microsoft SharePoint Site to an information item in QPR Modeling Client


BTN_AR131. Start QPR Modeling Client and create a new model using the default settings template.
BTN_AR132. On the View tab of the ribbon, click on the Navigator View button to open the Navigator View.
BTN_AR133. Select Information Hierarchy from the System hierarchies list.
BTN_AR134. Right-click on the hierarchy view and select New Information Item... from the pop-up menu, the New Information Item dialog will open.
BTN_AR135. Give the Information Item a name and select a type for it from the drop-down menu. Click the btn_browse_button_dropdown button next to the Browse... button and select Browse SharePoint...
BTN_AR136. An authentication dialog will pop up and you will need to enter your username and password for the SharePoint server.
BTN_AR137. After successful authentication, the SharePoint Document Browser dialog will open. Browse through the SharePoint site to select the desired document and click Select.


For more information about the SharePoint Document Browser, see the topic SharePoint Document Browser Dialog in QPR Modeling Client - User's Guide.