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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client Training Guide > Linking External Information

Using External Models

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The External model process step can be used to link a diagram in another QPR Modeling Client model to the current model.


mouse_24 Exercise 62: Use the External model process step to link a QPR Modeling Client model on a server to your current model.


BTN_AR131. Create a new model.
BTN_AR132. From the Tool Palette, select the External model button and click on the diagram to draw an External model process step and give the process step a name.
BTN_AR133. Either double-click the External model process step or right-click on it and select Set Process Step Properties. The Process Step Properties dialog will open.
BTN_AR134. Click on the External Model tab.
BTN_AR135. Click the Browse Server button. The Open a Model from Server dialog will open.
BTN_AR136. In the dialog, expand one of the model hierarchies by clicking on the btn_expand_model_hierarchy button, select a diagram, and click Select.
BTN_AR137. Click OK to close the dialog.


Note that the Linked information / Embedded information selection is then grayed out on the External Model tab since the Information location is linked when the model / diagram is selected from a server.


mouse_24 Exercise 63: Use the External model process step to attach a QPR Modeling Client model on a local hard drive to your current model.


BTN_AR131. Create a new model.
BTN_AR132. From the Tool Palette, select the External model button and click on the diagram to draw an External model process step and give the process step a name.
BTN_AR133. Either double-click the External model process step or right-click on it and select Set Process Step Properties. The Process Step Properties dialog will open.
BTN_AR134. Click on the External Model tab.
BTN_AR135. Click the Browse button. The Select Document file dialog will open.
BTN_AR136. In the dialog, browse your hard drive and select a QPR Modeling Client model and click Open.
BTN_AR137. To be able to open the model in another computer, select Embedded information. This will attach the selected model as a part of the current model, so that it is saved with the current model.
BTN_AR138. Click OK to close the dialog.


Note that because the embedded information is stored with the current model, the size of the model may increase greatly if you embed a large model into the current model.