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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Navigator View > Navigator

Notes Hierarchy

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The notes hierarchy shows all notes included in the whole model and connections between them. At the top level you see all notes, which are not connected to any other note. If you have not made any connections between notes, a simple list of notes is shown.


Creating New Notes

You can create new notes by selecting the "New Note..." command from the pop-up menu accessible by clicking the right mouse button.



By selecting a note and using the pop-up menu (click the right mouse button) you can set properties of the selected note. Notes hierarchy can be modified by adding new notes by pasting or creating new ones, or arranging the connections by dragging and dropping notes over the connected note. You can also remove notes by pressing the Delete key when the desired notes are selected. Depending on the type of the element and the column in the view, the value in a cell can be edited by typing in the value, selecting a checkbox, or selecting the value from a drop-down menu. Note that all values, such as "Last Changed", are not editable. See also the Transfer Model Elements via Clipboard topic for information about copy and paste operations.



See the Navigator View Settings topic for information on how to define the settings for the view.