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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Models > Managing Models > Differences in Usage

Other Actions

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With file models usual actions like copying, moving, renaming, deleting or creating backups are done with operating system commands or tools.


With Server models QPR Modeling Client offers the following possibilities:

To copy a model, open it and save as different model to either file or Server. Note that only QPR Modeling Client administrators, model administrators, and users with at least view rights to all diagrams can save Server models as file models.

Moving is done by copying and deleting the original model afterwards or (within the Server) by dragging it to a different location in either Open or Save As Server Model dialog.

To rename model select Rename from pop-up menu or press F2 in either Open or Save As Server Model dialog, change name and click another place. Note: When model is renamed, external links (URLs) to it remain intact in dynamic web publishing. With Save As model is saved as completely new, meaning that links are broken.

To delete a model, select the model in either Open or Save As Server Model dialog and select Delete from a pop-up menu or press the Delete key.

Use database-specific tools to create a backup of an entire QPR database. QPR Modeling Client models can also be copied to either file or another database for backup purpose.