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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Imports, Exports & Integration > Link QPR Modeling Client and QPR Metrics Models

QPR Metrics Link Dialog

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This dialog defines the element specific Metrics link settings. The default values set in the Metrics Link Properties dialog can be overridden here. The settings you can define are:





QPR Metrics Model Name


This field defines the name of the Metrics model where the measure values and indicators are acquired from. If the default Metrics model name has been defined in the Metrics Link Properties dialog, it is shown here by default. Note that the name must be typed in exactly the same way it is written in QPR Metrics, i.e. the name is case sensitive.

Scorecard identifier

No, if there are several measures with the same identifier

This field defines the scorecard from which the measure is acquired from in the case there are several measures with the same identifier. If you leave this field empty when there are several measures that have the same identifier in different scorecards, you can choose the scorecard from which the value will be displayed in QPR Portal.  If the scorecard identifier is defined, then the measure information is acquired only from the defined scorecard.

Measure identifier


This field defines the identifier of the linked measure. As described above, if there are several measures with this identifier in the Metrics model and the scorecard identifier is left undefined, then this process step will be linked to all measures that have this measure identifier defined


Click OK to confirm your changes or Cancel to close the dialog without changing anything. Click Delete to remove the current link and close the dialog.