Before any web publishing can be done, web styles must be set. The web styles can be defined for the whole model and the server, as well as for individual process steps. In QPR Modeling Client, each model can be defined with its own web page options.
Exercise 76: Set the Web Styles for the model, and publish the model in QPR Portal.
 | 1. Open the Web Publishing Exercise model. |
 | 2. On the Model tab of the ribbon, click Modeling Options. The Modeling Options dialog opens. |
 | 3. On the Model Elements tab of the Modeling Options dialog, select the Activity process step type and click Web Styles. The Web Style dialog for Activity type process steps opens. |
 | 4. The settings that are in effect are bolded in the Web Style dialog. We'll want to disable the Details view of the Activity type process steps from the web published model. Therefore, from the Link to drop-down menu, select No link and click OK: |

 | 5. Since maintaining and viewing one huge model can be troublesome, External Models can be used to break down huge models into smaller and more manageable models. We'll want to have the External model type process steps to open the linked model when the External model process step is clicked in the web. Therefore, on the Model Elements tab of the Modeling Options dialog, select External model and click Web Styles. The Web Style dialog for External model type process steps opens. |
 | 6. From the Link to drop-down menu, select External model and click OK: |

 | 7. We are now done setting the element type specific web styles. Click OK to close the Modeling Options dialog. |
 | 8. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click the Web Styles button. The Web Styles dialog will open. On the Model Styles tab of the dialog we can see the model specific settings for the element types we just made: |

 | 9. By default, when only one information item is linked to a process step, the information item is opened directly when the information item icon is clicked. We'll change it so that clicking the icon will open the Details view for the information item. Switch to the Global Styles tab. |
 | 10. The Global Styles tab shows the default web style settings stored in QPR BizArchitecture Server. Select Process Step from the list and click View. |
 | 11. In the Icons section, find the Information item direct link drop-down menu and select Link to details view in it: |

 | 12. Click OK to close the Web Style dialog and again OK to close the Web Styles dialog. |
 | 13. On the diagram, double-click the External Model Example process step. |
 | 14. The Process Step Properties dialog opens. Switch to the External Model tab and click Browse Server... |
 | 15. Select Dentorex - Quality Management System from the list of models and click Select. |
 | 16. Click OK to close the Process Step Properties dialog. |
 | 17. In the Application menu, select Save As > Server Model, give the model a name, and click Save. |
 | 18. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Publish to Web. |
 | 19. Press Ctrl + S to save the model. |
 | 20. (Re)start QPR Web Application Server. |
 | 17. Login to QPR Portal. |
 | 18. Select the Processes tab: |

 | 19. Click Select Model and select the model you just saved: |

 | 20. On the Graph section, click the information item icon on top of the Information Item Example process step: |

 | 21. The details of the information item will be shown. Now, click Diagrams: |

 | 22. On the Graph section, click the Information Item Example process step. Nothing should happen, because we disabled its link. Now, click the External Model Example process step. The Dentorex - Quality Management System model will open. |
See the Web Publishing chapter in QPR Modeling Client - User's Guide for more information about web publishing.