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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Process Modeling

Why and How to Model

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Modeling is simply a process to develop a model representation of some real world phenomena. It is important for us to create models as abstractions of the real world situation. This is helpful in getting a better perception of the real situation.


Developing workable and uncomplicated models is a creative process that tests out one's ability to understand the problem, and in turn enables others to understand it. When a model is created and presented in front of a score of other people, everyone realizes the situation on the same platform and therefore can discuss it without having different perceptions about the same real life situation/problem at hand. In other words it helps to standardize the problem besides other things.


One most important purpose that modeling solves is the disintegration of knowledge into modules, that is smaller pieces of information and decision-making processes whose effect can then be studied individually, thus getting to know how significant each of those steps is to the complete real-life situation at hand. Again, while studying the effects of each of these problems, loopholes and bottlenecks in the model can be pinpointed and concentrated effort can then be applied to reform that particular subpart of the model.


An important phase before starting to model information is needs assessment. Needs assessment relates the business objectives of an organization to the benefits provided by modeling. It determines the role and scope of modeling and tools and software to be used. It is also later used to evaluate implementation and management plans.