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QPR Knowledge Base 2019.1

Navigation: Modeling Client User's Guide > Process Modeling

Why and How to Model Business Processes

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A model is a simplified representation of the reality. The purpose of the model is to help people to understand the reality.


When modeling, some guidelines should be followed to ensure the success of modeling and the usefulness of the created model:


bullet3  the purpose of modeling must be first defined

bullet3  modeling should be done iteratively

bullet3  first-hand and correct information must be available for modeling

bullet3  the model should not be too detailed


Process orientation is a very natural and powerful way of thinking any operation that is done. Daily morning routines as well as running a factory can be modeled as a process. When taking the process oriented viewpoint many problems that are hidden from the traditional functional viewpoint can be easily solved. Process orientation is the way to get all people involved to understand the whole picture and their part in it. And most importantly, processes and their results are the interface to your organization's customers, not the functional units of your organization!


By modeling and analyzing business processes, organization's operation can be viewed and improved in an efficient way. Process modeling is also an essential part in any quality system implementation or IT project.