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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR API > The Object Model > QPR Modeling > PGModel Commands


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 2015.1


Adds elementId to the given hierarchy under the given parent.




PGModel.AddParentElement(Hierarchy, ElementId, ParentElementId)




Hierarchy: Hierarchy ID (integer) or Hierarchy Symbol (string). The hierarchy id or hierarchy symbol for the hierarchy where the parent element exists.

ElementId: ElementId (integer) or ElementSymbol (string). The element id or symbol of the element for which the parent is added. If only one parent is allowed for the element, then the possible previous parent is removed first.

ParentElementId: ElementId (integer) or ElementSymbol (string). The element id or symbol of the intended parent element.


Required Rights:


Modify rights to the model.


Return Values:

Below are listed the return values that this function can return:






Example Procedure:


 iResult = PGModel.AddParentElement(Hierarchy="H2", ElementId="MO1428971049", ParentElementId="MO2534897435")