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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR API > The Object Model > QPR Modeling > PGModel Commands


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 8.0

Last changed in QPR 2012.2


Creates a new element instance and returns the FullId (String) = <Id>.<InstanceId> of the created instance.




PGModel.CreateInstance(ElementId, Parameters, out FullId)




ElementId: Integer. Id of the element to be instantiated.

Parameters: A semicolon-separated list of parameters for creating a new element instance. The supported parameters:

ProcessLevel=<PS level Id>: Defines the diagram where the instance is created. If omitted, the instance is created under the main diagram.

OrganizationUnit=<Organization Unit ID>: Defines the organization unit where the instance is created. Note that the organization unit must be instantiated to the diagram that is defined with the ProcessLevel= parameter. Instance graphical properties are set automatically so that instance is placed inside the Organization unit lanes.

InstanceGraphicalProperties=<startpoint.X>,<startpoint.Y>,<height>,<width>: Defines the graphical position and size of the instance. Some of the properties can be separately left empty. However, both <startpoint.X> and <startpoint.Y> must be set if position is needed to be set. If <startpoint.X> and <startpoint.Y> are set, these override the possible automatic Organization unit placement.

FullId (String) = <Id>.<InstanceID> of the created instance.


Required Rights:


Modify rights to the diagram.


Return Values:

Below are listed the return values that this function can return:









Example Procedure:


iResult = PGModel.CreateInstance(12345, "InstanceGraphicalProperties=1050,800,100,150;", FId)

'Creates a new instance of the element with Id 12345, sets the graphical properties for the instance. Returns the FullId of the new instance in the form "12345.<InstanceId>'