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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR API > The Object Model > QPR Modeling > PGApplication Commands


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 8.1


Deletes folders, models, and branches from the server. This command can be used to delete specific model version as well as empty branches and folders.




PGApplication.Delete(ServerModelPath | ServerModelId | ServerFolderId, Operation, Parameters)




ServerModelPath: String. Defines the full path to server model or server folder. |
ServerModelId: Id. Defines ID of server model or model version. |
ServerFolderId: Id. Defines the ID of server folder or branch.


Operation: String. Defines the delete operation. Supported operations:

DeleteModel: String. Delete the server model specified by ID or server path. If model has version control enabled and path/ID refers to the root of the model, then all versions and branches are deleted. Model ID can refer also to a specific model version that is deleted by this operation (see also the DeleteVersion operation).

DeleteTemplate: String. Delete server template specified by ID or server path.

DeleteVersion: String.  Delete model version specified by ID or server path + optional version info parameters. Details of deleted version can be defined with version info parameters . If the given server model path or ID refers to some version of model, version info parameters can be used to refer to all versions and branches. Supported parameters: Model.Version, Model.Revision, Model.Branch.

DeleteBranch: String. Delete model version branch specified by ID or server path + version info parameters. Details of deleted branch must be defined with version info parameters . If the given server model path or ID refers to some version of model, version info parameters can be used to refer to all versions and branches. If parameter "DeleteContent=true" is used, then all model versions under the branch are also deleted. Supported parameters: DeleteContent, Model.Branch.

DeleteFolder: String. Delete server folder specified by ID or server path. If parameter "DeleteContent=true" is used, then all models and folders under the folder are also deleted. Supported parameters: DeleteContent.

Parameters: String. A semicolon-separated list of parameters for the operation:

Model.Version: String. Defines the model version that is deleted. If also Model.Branch is defined, the version is searched from that branch only.

Model.Revision: Integer. Defines the model revision that is deleted. If this is used, Model.Version and Model.Branch parameters are ignored (Model.Revision is always unique).

Model.Branch: String. Defines the name of the branch that is deleted.

DeleteContent: true | false. If this is true, all models and model version under the branch or folder are deleted. When this is false, a branch or a folder is deleted only if it is empty.


Required Rights:


Administrator or folder/model administrator depending on what is deleted.


Return Values:

Below are listed the return values that this function can return:




Example Procedure:


iResult = PGApplication.Delete("\\Temp Folder", "DeleteFolder", "DeleteContent=true")