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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR API > The Object Model > QPR Modeling > PGModel Commands


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 7.6.1 SP2


Returns a variant array of rights set for an element defined by ElementId.




PGModel.GetObjectRights(ElementId, Parameters, out Rights)




ElementID: Integer. ElementId must refer to a diagram element in the model. If Element ID = 0, it refers to the main diagram.

Parameters: String. A semicolon-separated list of parameters. The supported parameter:

IncludeInheritedRights: true | 1 | false | 0. If true, returns also the users that have inherited user rights from the groups. The default value is false.

out Rights: Pointer to a variant array. The array contains one row per user who has rights set for the object. Every row contains the following columns:

User/group ID: Integer.

User/group Name: String.

IsGroup: Boolean. True if ID refers to a group, otherwise false.

AccessLevel: Integer; none (0), view (1), update (2), full (3), admin (4). Note however that QPR Modeling Client does not have object-specific update rights so this option is available only for compatibility.
Note also that only those groups that have explicitly set rights are returned. Administrator groups are always returned with admin (4) rights. This does not, however, apply to model administrator users. Only those users that have explicitly set rights (and the rights are greater than the rights inherited from groups) are returned. Administrator users are always returned with admin (4) rights. This does not, however, apply to model administrator users.


Required Rights:


Administrator or Model Administrator rights to the model.


Return Values:

Below are listed the return values that this function can return:







Example Procedure:


iRet = PGModel.GetObjectRights(0, "IncludeInheritedRights=true", arrRights)