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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 7.6.1

Last changed in QPR 2017.1


Returns element's attributes in the Properties parameter. Attributes are returned in a variant array where the first column contains the name of the property, the second column contains the value, and the third column contains the data type (as one of the following strings: INT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, STRING, DATE, ID, ARRAY, ATTRIBUTESET, ENUM) of the property.




PGModel.GetProperties(ElementId, out Properties)




ElementId: The element from which the properties are acquired. Supported formats for defining the element:

ElementId: Integer. ID of the element from which the properties are acquired.

ElementId[.InstanceId]: String. ID and an optional instance ID of the element from which the properties are acquired.

ElementSymbol[.InstanceId]: String. The symbol and an optional instance ID of the element from which the properties are acquired.

Properties: Pointer to a variant array which contains the properties together with their values. See below for description of what lines are returned in the array with different element types:

ElementID refers to a process step:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with eight columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list), organization unit (int), object instance (integer list), and a two-column (object id and instance id, both integers) array containing information about the process step(s) linked to this instance

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

FillGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Style, integer (0 = transparent, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient, 3 = texture, 4 = hatch)

Primary color, integer

Primary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Secondary color, integer

Secondary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Gradient type, integer (1 = linear, 2 = rectangle)

Gradient mode, integer (0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = forward diagonal, 3 = backward diagonal)

Texture wrap mode, integer (0 = tile, 1 = tile flip X, 2 = tile flip Y, 3 = tile flip XY, 4 = clamp)

Hatch style, integer (0-52)

Contents of the FillGraphicalProperties array depends on the style. For transparent fills, only primary transparency is included. For solid fills, both primary color settings are included. For gradients the array contains both primary and secondary color settings as well as gradient settings. For textures there are primary color settings and texture wrap mode included, but the actual texture is not available. For hatch fill style there are both primary and secondary color settings as well as hatch style setting.

Symbol, string

InstanceIds, array

IncomingFlows, array

OutgoingFlows, array

Owner, id

ProcessStepsOnProcessLevel, array with two columns: object id and instance id

Groups, array

Flows, array

Stores, array with two columns: object ID and instance ID

FlowCompositions, array

SimulationEntryRule, int

EntryRules, array

EntryRuleCaseMatching, boolean

SimulationExitRule, int

ExitRules, array

ProcessingTimeType, int

ProcessingTimes, array

InputFrequencyType, int

InputFrequencies, array

IsStartingProcessStep, boolean

MaxInputs, int

ModelingDirection, int

IsUseDefaultModelingDirection, boolean.

IsUseVersionInformation, boolean. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

VersionNumber, string. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

Status, enumerated. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

Author, string. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

Comment, string. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

LastChanged, datetime. This property is supported only for diagram type process steps.

Elements, array with two columns: object ID and instance ID. This property is valid for all objects that have a child level.

MappedConnectors, array of connector ids. For input or output interfaces, returns the connectors mapped to the interface.

DiagramContent, a two-dimensional array of four values: offset.X, offset.Y, visible, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances. If the element does not have a diagram content field, then the values are Empty.

ExternalModelId, ID of the linked server model. This property is supported only for external model type process steps.

ExternalModelDiagramId, ID of the linked server model's diagram. This property is supported only for external model type process steps.

ExternalModelDiagramName, string. The linked server model diagram's name. This property is supported only for external model type process steps.

URL, string. Stores the URI, e.g. "". This property is supported only for external model type process steps.

InformationLocation, array of strings storing the server path or file model path of the linked model location. This property is supported only for external model type process steps.

ElementID refers to a connector:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

Symbol, string

From, id

FromInstance, id

To, id

ToInstance, id

FlowPoints, two-dimensional array containing integer X and Y pairs in the first two columns and diagram ID in the third column. The first row contains the starting coordinates for a flow's path and the last row contains the ending coordinates.

Owner, id

Document, id

ProcessingTimeType, int

ProcessingTimes, array

InputFrequencyType, int

InputFrequencies, array

IsStartingFlow, boolean

MaxInputs, int

IsDocument, boolean

ProcessLevels, array

MappedSourceInterface, id. The interface element that is mapped to the connector start.

MappedDestinationInterface, id. The interface element that is mapped to the connector end.

ElementID refers to an organization item:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

FillGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Style, integer (0 = transparent, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient, 3 = texture, 4 = hatch)

Primary color, integer

Primary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Secondary color, integer

Secondary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Gradient type, integer (1 = linear, 2 = rectangle)

Gradient mode, integer (0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = forward diagonal, 3 = backward diagonal)

Texture wrap mode, integer (0 = tile, 1 = tile flip X, 2 = tile flip Y, 3 = tile flip XY, 4 = clamp)

Hatch style, integer (0-52)

Contents of the FillGraphicalProperties array depends on the style. For transparent fills, only primary transparency is included. For solid fills, both primary color settings are included. For gradients the array contains both primary and secondary color settings as well as gradient settings. For textures there are primary color settings and texture wrap mode included, but the actual texture is not available. For hatch fill style there are both primary and secondary color settings as well as hatch style setting.

Symbol, string

ParentOrganizationUnit, id

ChildOrganizationUnits, array

ProcessSteps, array with two columns: object id and instance id

Persons, array

OrganizationType, int

ElementID refers to a case:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

SimulationStarted, date

SimulationEnded, date

ElementID refers to an information item:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

ModelObjects, id

Flows, id

Links, id

IsEmbedded, boolean

EmbeddedInformation, string

DocumentType, int

ChildInformationItems, array

ParentInformationItems, array

FlowCompositions, array

ElementID refers to a connector composition:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

Symbol, string

ProcessLevel, id

FlowPoints, two-dimensional array containing integer X and Y pairs in the first two columns and diagram ID in the third column. The first row contains the starting coordinates for a flow's path and the last row contains the ending coordinates.

Document, id

ChildCompositions, array

ParentComposition, id

ElementID refers to a measure:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

MeasureValueType, int

MeasureSubprocessCalculationType, int

MeasureUnitType, int

UnitNames, array

LinkedMeasureData, array

ElementID refers to measure data:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

Measure, id

MeasureDataList, array

ModelObject, id

ElementID refers to a note:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

FillGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Style, integer (0 = transparent, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient, 3 = texture, 4 = hatch)

Primary color, integer

Primary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Secondary color, integer

Secondary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Gradient type, integer (1 = linear, 2 = rectangle)

Gradient mode, integer (0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = forward diagonal, 3 = backward diagonal)

Texture wrap mode, integer (0 = tile, 1 = tile flip X, 2 = tile flip Y, 3 = tile flip XY, 4 = clamp)

Hatch style, integer (0-52)

Contents of the FillGraphicalProperties array depends on the style. For transparent fills, only primary transparency is included. For solid fills, both primary color settings are included. For gradients the array contains both primary and secondary color settings as well as gradient settings. For textures there are primary color settings and texture wrap mode included, but the actual texture is not available. For hatch fill style there are both primary and secondary color settings as well as hatch style setting.

Symbol, string

ParentNote, id

ChildNotes, array

ModelObject, id

ElementID refers to the model (the ID can be fetched e.g. by calling PGModel.GetActive with the PROCESSMODEL parameter):

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

FeedbackEmailAddress, string

CreationDate, date

ModificationDate, date

Template, id

ChangeLog, array

IsUseLog, boolean

IsForceExclusive, boolean

ModelingOptions, string

BaseModelingOptions, string

ItemsInLog, int

IsPublished, boolean

AutomaticInformationItemRefresh, int

ElementID refers to a resource:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

Symbol, string

ResourceType, int

AmountOfResourceAvailable, double

UnitCost, double

UnitName, string

MaximumAmountInStore, double

OrderingLimit, double

IncrementPerRegularOrder, double

RegularOrderInterval, date

IncrementPerOrder, double

OrderingCost, double

OrderingTime, date

TimeUnit, int

ObjectsUsing, array

ChildResources, array

ParentResources, array

ResourcesInResourcePool, array

InResourcePools, array

OrganizationUnit, id

ResponsibleOfFlows, array

ProcessLevel, array

ElementID refers to a checkpoint:

Id, id

ProcessLevel, id

Name, string

InstanceGraphicalProperties, array

ElementID refers to a text item:

Id, id

ProcessLevel, id

Name, string

InstanceGraphicalProperties, array

ElementID refers to a picture:

Id, id

ProcessLevel, id

Name, string

InstanceGraphicalProperties, array

ElementID refers to a store:

Id, id

ParentId, id

ElementTypeId, id

Name, string

Description, string

Instances, array with five columns: instance id (int), model object id, (int), diagram (int), QPR Metrics link as a semicolon-separated string with QPR Metrics model name, scorecard symbol and measure symbol (string), incoming flows (integer list), outgoing flows (integer list)

InstanceGraphicalProperties, a two-dimensional array of five integer values: startpoint.X, startpoint.Y, height, width, instance id. The number of rows in the array is the number of instances.

InformationItems, array

Notes, array

MeasureData, array

Resources, array

Priority, double

CanBeSuspended, boolean

ScoreCardModel, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

ScorecardIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

MeasureIdentifier, string. Requires using InstanceId to get the property.

InterfaceElement, boolean

LineGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Width, integer

Color, integer

Transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Dash style, integer (0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, 3 = dash dot, 4 = dash dot dot, 5 = custom)

Custom dash pattern, string. Valid when dash style = 5. The pattern definition contains an even amount of space-separated values ranging from 0 to 99. The first value in a value pair defines the amount of pixels that are drawn and the second one the amount of pixels that are left empty in the line.

FillGraphicalProperties, array with the following columns:

Style, integer (0 = transparent, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient, 3 = texture, 4 = hatch)

Primary color, integer

Primary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Secondary color, integer

Secondary color transparency, integer (0-255, 0 = fully transparent, 255 = opaque)

Gradient type, integer (1 = linear, 2 = rectangle)

Gradient mode, integer (0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical, 2 = forward diagonal, 3 = backward diagonal)

Texture wrap mode, integer (0 = tile, 1 = tile flip X, 2 = tile flip Y, 3 = tile flip XY, 4 = clamp)

Hatch style, integer (0-52)

Contents of the FillGraphicalProperties array depends on the style. For transparent fills, only primary transparency is included. For solid fills, both primary color settings are included. For gradients the array contains both primary and secondary color settings as well as gradient settings. For textures there are primary color settings and texture wrap mode included, but the actual texture is not available. For hatch fill style there are both primary and secondary color settings as well as hatch style setting.

Symbol, string

InstanceIds, array

IncomingFlows, array

OutgoingFlows, array

StoreType, int

SimulationRules, array


+ all custom attribute types defined for each type. Attributes belonging to attribute sets or enumerations are displayed using the extended naming with the following syntax: <attribute set / enumeration>.<member>, for example EventType.Start

External model custom attribute values are returned in the format specified in the SetProperty topic.


Note that the property named ParentId is available only for compatibility reasons, and its value will always be zero.


Required Rights:


View rights to PGModel.


Return Values:

Below are listed the return values that this function can return:










Example Procedure:


iRet = PGModel.GetProperties(iElementId, arrProperties)