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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > QPR API > The Object Model > QPR Modeling > PGApplication Commands


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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 7.3.2 SP1

Last changed in QPR 7.4.1


Returns an array of user information about the user ID(s) defined in the function call.




PGApplication.GetUserInfo(UserId, out UserInfoArray);




UserId: ID of the user whose user information is sought for. Integer. In the case this parameter is -1, all users (both QPR Modeling Client or Web Client users) with rights to QPR Modeling Client are returned. In the case the value is the ID of a group, all users belonging to that group are returned.

UserInfoArray: Variant array for containing the array comprised of the returned user information. The array contains one row per user and four columns containing user information. The user information columns are as follows:

UserID - User's user ID. Integer.

LoginName - User's login name. String.

FullName - User's full name. String.

Email - User's e-mail address. String.


Required Rights:




Return Values:







Example Procedure:


iRet = PGApplication.GetUserInfo(1234, UserInfoArray)