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ModelAttributeType XML Element

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ModelAttributeType XML elements define what attributes each element of this element type may contain. ModelAttributeType's Name XML attribute values must be unique within the ModelElementType definition.


ModelAttributeType contains 0 to n FieldType XML elements and 0 to n TypeProperty XML elements.


FieldType is used if the attribute is described as a record. For example in QPR Modeling Client, a store may contain incoming flows attribute, where the field types are ElementName, ElementId, TypeName, TypeID, InstanceID and Permanent.


TypeProperty is used to define additional properties of ModelAttributeType e.g. data type for simple attributes. TypeProperty is also used to define in QPR Modeling Client custom attribute properties.


In the case ModelAttributeType is a sub-attribute of an attribute set or an enumerated attribute, extended attribute naming is used. For example, if an attribute type is renamed when it is linked to an attribute set or to an element type, the original attribute name is shown in brackets after the new name. Enumerated attribute values use the following extended naming: <Enumerated type name>.<Enumerated value name>


The file is invalid if there is Attribute XML element under ModelElement and there is no corresponding (the link is defined by AttributeName-Name) ModelAttributeType under ModelElementType. Example of QPR Modeling Client ModelAttributeType definition:


<ModelAttributeType Name="Description" AttributeType="Simple">

 <TypeProperty Name="DataType" Value="string" />



XML attribute



The name of the model element's attribute


The type of attribute value. See section Attribute Value Formats for details

Table 3.3 The XML attributes of ModelAttributeType


XML attribute



The name of the attribute's record field


The type of attribute value. See section Attribute Value Formats for details

Table 3.4 The XML attributes of FieldType


XML attribute



The name of the attribute's property


The value of the attribute property.

Table 3.5 The XML attributes of TypeProperty