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ModelElementType XML Element

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ModelElementType XML element has the type information about a single QPR model element, e.g. flow type information of QPR Modeling Client. The ModelElementType's TypeName and TypeID XML attribute values must be unique within the XML document.


The file format is invalid if there is ModelElement XML element that has a reference (defined by TypeID XML attribute in ModelElementType and ModelElement elements) to a missing ModelElementType XML element. However, it is completely legal to have ModelElementType without any referring ModelElements.


Each ModelElementType contains 0 to n ModelAttributeType XML elements. They define what attributes each element of this element type may contain. In the case of attribute sets, also  sub-attributes are included. Example of QPR Modeling Client ModelElementType definition:


<ModelElementType TypeName="Activity" TypeID="PG_PS2" TypeType="0" Description="Process step type Activity">


XML attribute



The name of the element type. Unique within the XML document.


The ID of the element type. Unique within the XML document.


Additional information about element type. Example: QPR Modeling Client process step types:

0 = Activity

1 = Horizontal Subprocess

2 = External Model

3 = Vertical Subprocess

4 = Information Container


The description of the element type.

Table 3.2 The XML attributes of ModelElementType