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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

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Revision history:

Introduced in QPR 2012.1.0

Last changed in 2016.1.0


Performs a given operation for the given object.




string PerformObjectOperation (string sessionId, string objectId, string operation, string options)


Return Value:


Success value as a string: 0 = operation successful, 1 = model was already locked and operation cannot be executed.




sessionId: String. ID of an authenticated session.

objectId: String. Id of the targeted object. See below for the needed ids for each operation:

recalculate: QPR Metrics model id.

apply: QPR Metrics scorecard id.

inherit: QPR Metrics scorecard id.

drilldown: QPR Metrics measure id.

drilldownscorecard: QPR Metrics measure id.

drilldownmodel: QPR Metrics measure id.

execute: QPR Metrics integration task id.

triggerworkflow: workflow id.

operation: String. The operation to be performed:

recalculate: Starts recalculation for the whole model specified by the objectId parameter.

apply: Locks the model and applies selected scorecard attributes to all scorecards attached to the scorecard specified by the objectId recursively. Inherited attributes can be selected with the inheritanceoptions attribute.

inherit: Locks the model and applies selected scorecard attributes only to the scorecard specified by the given objectId. Inherited attributes can be selected with the inheritanceoptions attribute.

drilldown: Locks the model and refreshes drilldown for the element specified by the objectId.

drilldownscorecard: Locks the model and refreshes drilldown on the scorecard level.

drilldownmodel: Locks the model and refreshes drilldown on model level.

execute: Executes the given integration task.

triggerworkflow: Triggers the workflow specified by the objectId.

options: String. Additional options for the query.


The following list shows which attributes are related to each of the operations. You can use the SetAttribute function to set values to the attributes before performing an object operation.

apply: basescorecardid, inheritanceoptions

inherit: basescorecardid, inheritanceoptions

drilldown: enableautomaticreferencing, automaticreferencingflags, automaticreferencingdrilldowndepth


Example Procedure:


ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_IService");

string sessionId = client.Authenticate("qpr", "demo");

string recalculateModel = client.PerformObjectOperation(sessionId, "SC.1938773693", "recalculate", "");

