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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > Customizing QPR Portal

QPR Portal Graphics

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Pictures used in QPR Portal are usually located under www-root. The location path when using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) could, for example, be the following: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\qpr2012-2\qprsoftware\portal\images.


The location is defined in the Web Content of the QPR Web Application Server Configuration utility.


By customizing the original QPR images to create organization-specific ones, the system administrator can customize QPR Portal to match organization's own intranet seamlessly.


By simply editing the QPR images with the use of a graphics-editing tool such as Microsoft Paint or Jasc Paint Shop Pro, the images can be customized as you wish. Note that the QPR images use a QPR color palette. In advanced graphics-editing tools, you may need to load your own custom palette, which contains the set of colors that you wish to use.


The main QPR Portal images include:

qprlogo.png: the main QPR Portal logo


To customize QPR Portal further, you may wish to edit other images in the …\qprsoftware\portal\images folder on your web server.


To make transferring your customizations between different versions easier, it is advisable to use a single folder where all the customized images are stored. Doing this and modifying the custom.css file so that all of its image entries point to your customized images folder, you only need to copy the custom.css file and the customized images folder to the web content folder of a new QPR version and the customizations will be instantly usable with the new version as well.