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QPR Knowledge Base 2022.1

Navigation: Developer's Guide > Customizing QPR Portal

Using Customized Portal Login Pages

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It is possible to use customized login and welcome pages in QPR Portal. Taking them into use is simple, as you only have to replace default HTML files in the web content folder. See below for more detailed instructions:


Taking a customized login page into use

To customize the page that is shown with the Portal login view, follow the steps below:


1.Locate the <web content root folder>\qprsoftware\portal\pages folder
2.Take a backup copy of the original qprstartup.html file
3.Copy your customized login page over the qprstartup.html file


Taking a customized welcome page into use

To customize the page that is shown when you log into QPR Portal, follow the steps below:


1.Locate the <web content root folder>\qprsoftware\portal\pages folder
2.Take a backup copy of the original qprhomepage.html file
3.Copy your customized login page over the qprhomepage.html file