Revision history:
Last changed in QPR 2022.1.0
This section lists all attributes supported by QPR Web Services Foundation functions. The listing are divided between common (applies to all) and object-specific lists.
Legend for the Availability column:
R = Read. Attribute can be read.
W = Write. Attribute can be set.
Ref = Reference. Attributes that work as reference attributes and can be used e.g. by AddReference and RemoveReference functions.
Common Attributes
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
accesslevel |
Access level to the product in question for the current user (-1 - no access, 0 - view, 1 – basic/update, 2 – administrative) |
R |
functionasattribute |
functionasattribute |
This attribute allows any object query function to be used as an object query attribute returning object identifiers. For example functionasattribute(functionasattribute="Models") for the [PG] object would return a comma-separated list of model IDs like <object id="PG" functionasattribute="PG.1429039364.-2,PG.1485051720.-2,PG.1293211986.-2,PG.874613354.-2" /> |
R |
These attributes are available when querying the UM (User Management System) object.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id, objectid |
User/group ID |
R |
fullid |
Full user/group id in format <product id>.0.<user/group id> |
R |
fullname |
User full name (is empty for groups) |
RW |
name, loginname |
User login name/group name |
RW |
User e-mail address (is empty for groups) |
RW |
description |
User/group description |
RW |
telephone |
User telephone number (is empty for groups) |
RW |
organization |
User organization (is empty for groups) |
RW |
isgroup |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if querying a group. If defined, the value of the ‘true’ parameter for groups, value of the ‘false’ parameter for users. |
R |
type |
0 for users, 1 for groups |
R |
typename |
Word ‘user’ for users, word ‘group’ for groups |
R |
typename |
Word 'users' for users, word 'groups' for groups |
Ref |
typegroupname |
See typename |
R |
prettyname |
For users, full name followed by login name in parentheses, or login name only (in case full name is empty); for groups, same as ‘name’ or ‘loginname’ attribute |
R |
viewurl |
String ‘mailto: <user e-mail address>’ (is empty for groups) |
R |
ingroups |
A comma delimited list of group ids where user belongs to (is empty for groups). For example "UM.0.123,UM.0.234" attaches the user to groups 123 and 234 and detaches from all other groups. |
RW |
productpermissionmethod |
User/group product permission method |
R |
productpermissions |
Product permissions in a format listed below this table. |
R |
iconurl |
filenameonly (0 | 1) |
Path and name (or name only, if ‘filenameonly’ parameter is 1) of the user/group icon in Portal |
R |
inheritlicenses |
For users, boolean attribute defining whether licenses are inherited from a group. 0 (false) = licenses are not inherited from a group, 1 (true) = licenses are inherited from a group. |
RW |
licenses |
String |
For users and groups, string indicating the license reservations. The string is a list of comma delimited <user type>=<1/0> pairs. Supported user types : EA_USER, PD_USER, SC_USER, MO_VIEWER, SC_VIEWER. |
RW |
permissionmethod |
Number |
For users and groups, a number indicating the permissionmethod: 1 = inherit permissions from group (only for users), 2 = administrator, 4 = use user/group specific settings |
RW |
permissionlevels |
String |
For users and groups, the string indicates the permission levels for the user/group. The string is a comma delimited list of <product id>=<permission level> pairs. Supported product ids: PG (QPR Modeling), SC (QPR Metrics), PO (QPR Portal), UM (QPR User Management). Also product ids returned by productpermissions attribute are supported. Supported permission levels: -1 (no access), 0 (view/basic), 1 (update), 2 (administrate). |
RW |
password |
String |
For users, string defining the password for the user. Requires that the AllowPasswordChanges is set to "1" in QPR_Servers.ini |
W |
authenticationtoken |
String |
For current user, the string defines a disposable authentication token for the current user. Token is valid for 5 minutes and it can be used for authenticating the QPR Client application's user to the QPR Server. |
productpermissions format:
<product id="<product id>" dclient="<disabled=0, enabled=1>" bclient="<disabled=0, enabled=1>" permission="<no access=-1, view=0, basic/update=1, administrate=2>"/>
PO (Portal)
These attributes are available when querying the PO (Portal) object.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
Returns the product ID of Portal. |
R |
fullid |
Full object ID in format <product id>.0.<user/group id> |
R |
name, prettyname |
Object name |
R, W |
description |
Object description |
R, W |
embeddedfilename |
Filename of an embedded attachment |
R |
embeddedfilemimetype |
MIME type of an embedded attachment |
R |
type |
Object database type ID. With actions the action type FullID is is returned (same as id for action types) |
R |
typename |
Object type name |
R |
typegroupname |
Same as typename except for when the typegroup supports creation of customized types. For example, when querying a Comment action, its typegroupname is Action. |
R |
modifieddatetime, lastmodifieddatetime |
Date and time of the last modification to the object |
R, W |
modifieddate, lastmodifieddate |
Date of the last modification to the object |
R, W |
createddate |
Date when the object was created |
R, W |
creator, author |
User who created the object |
R, W |
modifier |
User who performed the latest modification to the object |
R, W |
publishtype |
Publishing type. One of the following: "Creator", "Parent element users", "Selected users", or "Everyone". If EnumAsNumber option is set to 1, the values are 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively |
R, W |
publishforusers |
A comma-separated list of user ID's the object is published to |
R, W, Ref |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given action |
R, W, Ref |
customattributes |
All custom attributes of the action (according to definitions in actiontypes.ini) in a format described below this table. |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given action. |
R |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given action. |
R, W, Ref |
notificationrecipients |
subattributes |
The e-mail addresses of the users to whom the action e-mail notifications will be sent. The following subattributes can be used: to: returns the list of the recipient e-mail addresses cc: returns the list of carbon copy recipient e-mail addresses |
R |
symbol |
The symbol (a unique identifier) of the action. If the symbol is queried for an action that doesn't have this attribute defined, then its symbol is the name of the action converted to its script name. |
R |
isavailable |
Supported for workflows only. Returns the the value of true parameter if the workflow is available for given action object given via the target parameter, otherwise the value of false parameter is returned. |
<all attributes defined for action types in actiontypes.ini> |
Any action attribute defined in actiontypes.ini with all spaces removed from the attribute name. In the case of user type attributes you can query specific information by requesting a sub-attribute for the attribute with the syntax <action attribute>.<sub-attribute>. The sub-attributes are the same as the attributes available for the UM object (see above). For example IdentifiedBy.loginname. |
R, W, Ref* |
customattributes format:
<custom attribute name>=”<custom attribute value>”
… (other custom attributes)
* = available only for attributes with Users as the type.
Attributes applicable to action types
These attributes are available when querying action type objects:
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
FullID of the action type. The format is PO.-1.<database ID of the action type> |
R |
objectid |
Same as id |
R |
typename |
Returns string "Action type" |
R |
typegroupname |
Returns string "Action type" |
R |
name |
Name of the action type. This is localized in the case namelocalized (see below) is true. |
R |
prettyname |
Same as name. |
R |
pluralname |
Plural name of the action type. This is localized in the case namelocalized (see below) is true. |
R |
defaultheader |
Default header text. |
R |
defaultdescription |
Default description. |
R |
defaultvisibility |
Enumerated string ("Parent element users", "Creator", "Everyone", or "Selected users"). |
R |
ischangelogenabled |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action type has change logging enabled. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
ishidden |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action type is set to be hidden. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
isnamelocalized |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if name, prettyname, and pluralname use localized values in the case localized counterparts are found in the dictionary. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
customattributes |
Set of FullID's of action attribute objects (see below) |
R |
Attributes applicable to action attributes
These attributes are available when querying action attribute objects:
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
FullID of the action attribute. The format is PO.-2.<database ID of the action attribute> |
R |
objectid |
Same as id |
R |
fullid |
Id as a string |
R |
typename |
Returns string "Action attribute" |
R |
typegroupname |
Returns string "Action attribute" |
R |
name |
Name of the action attribute. This is localized in the case namelocalized (see below) is true. |
R |
prettyname |
Same as name. |
R |
datatype |
Data type. |
R |
groupname |
Group name. |
R |
isnamelocalized |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if name and prettyname use localized values in the case localized counterparts are found in the dictionary. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
iswriteonce |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action attribute is a "write once" attribute. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
ismandatory |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action attribute is a mandatory attribute. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
causesresponsibility |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action attribute value causes responsibility assignments. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
isactionowner |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the users contained in this attribute's value are action owners. Valid only for user type of attributes. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
options |
A comma-separated list of option strings with possible quotes removed. |
R |
iscopyatreply |
[true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the action attribute value is copied from the immediate parent of the action when replying. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
SC (QPR Metrics)
These attributes are available when querying the SC (QPR Metrics) object. Note that when setting attributes in cases where the attribute data type is object/user ID, then both FullID (e.g. SC.1.670) and single integer (670) syntaxes are supported for SC and UM objects. However, when reading attributes FullID's are always used. Also note that when setting values SC objects need to reside in the same model as the queried objects and UM objects need to have rights to the SC product and be at least users of the model.
Product level attributes
These attributes are available when querying the [SC] object straight.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given action. |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given action |
R |
Model level attributes
These attributes are available when querying a model object under the [SC] object.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
detailsurl, viewurl |
Link to the model properties view in Portal |
R |
mainviewurl |
Link to SC view of the first root-level scorecard of the model in Portal (is empty if model has no scorecards) |
R |
iconurl |
filenameonly (0 | 1) |
Path and name (or name only, if ‘filenameonly’ parameter is 1) of the SC model icon in Portal |
R |
name, prettyname |
Model name |
R |
description |
Model description |
R |
typename |
Returns string "Model" |
R |
typegroupname |
Returns string "Model" |
R |
id, objectid |
Model ID |
R |
mainviewid |
ID of the first root-level scorecard of the model (is zero if model has no scorecards) |
R |
fullid |
Full model ID in format <SC product id>.<model id> |
R |
accesslevel |
userids (comma-separated list of user FullID's). Required when setting the value |
Read: AccessLevel.Full (= 2) or AccessLevel.View (= 0) if user has rights to the model, otherwise AccessLevel.None (= –1). Write: On the model level user or a group can be set as a model user or model administrator. Valid values are AccessLevel.ModelAdministrator (= -3) and AccessLevel.ModelUser (= -2) |
R, W |
hierarchyaccesslevel |
0 if user has rights to the model, otherwise –1 |
R |
subsections |
List of IDs of all scorecards and measures of the model |
R |
replyaddress |
Reply address for value alerts |
R |
modelcalculation |
Integer value to define whether model calculation is enabled. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
W |
Object level attributes
These attributes are available when querying different objects inside a QPR Metrics model.
Attributes applicable to all model objects
These attributes are applicable to all objects under a QPR Metrics model.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
detailsurl, viewurl |
Link to the object properties view in Portal (SC view for scorecards, element view for measures etc) |
R |
addactionurl |
Link in Portal where user can add an action linked to the object |
R |
iconurl |
filenameonly (0 | 1) |
Path and name (or name only, if ‘filenameonly’ parameter is 1) of the SC object icon in Portal |
R |
graph |
Graph of the object (SC or SM view for scorecard, history chart or indicator for measure, otherwise is empty) as binary file stream |
R |
name |
Object name as a string (according to the rules used in d-client and Portal, e.g. element name is followed by the original scorecard and model name in parentheses for reference and replica elements etc) |
R, W |
prettyname |
Same as name with possible additional information |
R |
description |
Object description as a string |
R, W |
symbol |
Object identifier as a string (is empty if object has no identifier) |
R, W |
isoftype |
type (enumerated object type ID) [,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the object is of type defined by the type parameter. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
typename |
Name of the object type |
R |
typegroupname |
Otherwise the same as typename, but returns Element when typename would return an element type such as Measure, Critical Success Factor, etc. |
R |
type |
Enumerated id of the object type |
R |
id, objectid |
Object ID |
R |
fullid |
Full object ID in format <SC product id>.<model id>.<object id>[.<sub object id>] |
R |
accesslevel |
userids (comma-separated list of user FullID's). Required when setting the value |
Access level to the object for the current user. Valid values are: AccessLevel.None (= -1), AccessLevel.View (= 0), AccessLevel.Update (= 1), and AccessLevel.Full (= 2) |
R, W |
hierarchyaccesslevel |
Access level to the object for the current user. Valid values are: AccessLevel.None (= -1), AccessLevel.View (= 0), AccessLevel.Update (= 1), and AccessLevel.Full (= 2) |
R |
lastmodifieddate |
Date when object was last modified |
R |
creator |
ID of the user that created this object |
R |
author |
ID of the user that created this object |
R, W |
creationdate, createddate |
Date when object was created |
R |
owner |
Information about the owner user of the object (sub-attributes are the same as for an UM object) |
R |
measure |
Allows querying sub-attributes applicable only to measure objects. For example querying measure.value for a full ID which points to a measure object. Note that this attribute is not mandatory as the sub-attributes can be queried also directly. |
R |
scorecard |
Prefix to use when querying attributes of the scorecard the object indicated by currently queried full ID points to. For example |
R |
parent |
Parent object (can have any sub-attributes applicable to the corresponding parent object in turn - scorecard for scorecard, measure for measure); for root-level scorecards, top elements and other objects is nothing |
R |
period |
Allows querying sub-attributes applicable only to period objects. For example querying period.islocked for a full ID which points to a period object. Note that this attribute is not mandatory as the sub-attributes can be queried also directly. |
R |
periodlevel |
Allows querying sub-attributes applicable only to period level objects. For example querying periodlevel.lockdateoffset for a full ID which points to a period level object. Note that this attribute is not mandatory as the sub-attributes can be queried also directly. |
R |
scorecardid |
Scorecard ID, a number identifying an object in the database. |
R |
scorecardsymbol, scorecardidentifier |
Scorecard symbol used in formulas. |
R |
default |
Object name specially designed for the hierarchy (may have special characters to take the sorting order of scorecards and measures into account) |
R |
level |
Level number in the hierarchy |
R |
order |
Order number in the hierarchy branch |
R |
index |
Overall index number in the whole hierarchy |
R |
Attributes applicable to scorecards only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
topelementid |
Top element ID |
R |
basescorecardid |
Base scorecard ID |
R, W |
parentscorecardid |
Parent scorecard ID |
R, W |
subsections |
recursive (0 | 1) |
List of ID's of all child scorecards and measures of the current scorecard (if the ‘recursive’ parameter is 1, drills down through all children scorecards too) |
R |
periodname |
period (period ID) |
Actual period name according to the given period (as parameter) |
R |
seriesname |
series (series ID) |
Actual series name according to the given series (as parameter) |
R |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given scorecard |
R |
parentobjects |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given scorecard |
R |
owner |
User ID of the scorecard owner |
R, W |
inheritanceoptions |
option=<option name> |
Inheritance options. One option (defined in the option parameter) can be set at a time and the value is a single integer (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled). The following option names are valid: name, description, elementtype, measureunit, roles, valuesettings, periodlevel, accumulationrule, graphlayoutproperties, viewsettings, seriessettings, values, scorecardstructure, scorecardstructure_noref, scorecardstructure_addonly |
W |
Attributes applicable to measures only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
Measure ID |
R |
isofelementtype |
type (integer element type ID) [,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the measure is of the element type defined by the type parameter. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
elementtypename, elementtype |
Element type name |
R |
elementtypeid |
Element type id |
R, W |
parentelementid |
Parent measure ID |
R, W |
valuesettingsname |
Value settings name |
R |
periodlevelname |
Period level name |
R |
automaticreferencingflags |
Value of the auto-referencing flag as a consolidated integer with the first four bits interpreted as follows: bit 0 = Enable automatic referencing (can also be set with 'enableautomaticreferencing'-attribute) bit 1 = Reference elements with matching identifier bit 2 = Reference elements with matching name bit 3 = Remove unmatching reference elements |
R, W |
automaticreferencingdrilldowndepth |
Auto-referencing drill-down depth as an integer |
R, W |
referenceid |
ID of the original element for a reference measure, otherwise this is zero |
R |
sourcemodelid |
Model ID of the original element for a replica measure, otherwise this is zero |
R |
sourceobjectid |
ID of the original element for a replica measure, otherwise is this zero |
R |
roles |
id (role ID, valid when setting roles) |
Read: String that contains all roles and users assigned to them Write: Set supplied user/group ID into the role defined in the id parameter. Note that the role ID is a single integer instead of a FullID |
R, W |
hasreferencescorecard |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the measure is a reference or a replica measure. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
referencescorecard |
Original element if measure is reference or replica (can have any sub-attributes applicable to a measure object in turn), otherwise nothing |
R |
hasinformationitems |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the measure has information items. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
hasoneinformationitem |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the measure has only one information item. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
haslinkedelements |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the measure has linked elements. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
valuesettingid |
Value settings ID |
R, W |
periodlevelid |
Period level ID |
R, W |
graphlayouttemplate |
Graph layout template name |
R, W |
graphlayouttemplateid |
Graph layout template ID |
R, W |
measureunitid |
Measurement unit ID |
R, W |
incharge |
Returns the same result as the owner attribute |
R, W |
accumulationrule |
Periodic accumulation rule as displayed in QPR Metrics (use the Language option to define the language). When setting the accumulation rules, the following integer values need to be used: Sum = 0, Average = 1, Min = 2, Max = 3, First = 4, Last = 5, Sum (ignore null) = 6, Average (ignore null) = 7, None = 8, and Latest = 10 |
R, W |
informationitemsurl |
Link to the information items list view of the measure in Portal |
R |
informationitems |
Information items connected to the measure |
R, W, Ref |
linkedelementsurl |
Link to the linked elements list view of the measure in Portal |
R |
periodicaccumulation |
series (series ID) |
Periodic accumulation rule name for the given series (as parameter). When setting the accumulation rules, the following integer values need to be used: Sum = 0, Average = 1, Min = 2, Max = 3, First = 4, Last = 5, Sum (ignore null) = 6, Average (ignore null) = 7, None = 8, and Latest = 10 |
R, W |
unitname |
series (series ID) |
Measurement unit name for the given series (as parameter) |
R |
inputtype |
series (series ID) |
Input type name (e.g. manual or formula) for the given series (as parameter). When setting this value, the following integer values are valid options: 0 (Manual input), 1 (Formula), 2 (SQL), or 3 (ADO). |
R, W |
formula |
series (series ID) |
Formula for the given series (as parameter), is empty for non-formula series |
R, W |
unit |
series (series ID) |
Measurement unit symbol for the given series (as parameter) |
R, W |
prettyvalue |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Value as string in the format specified by the measurement unit for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
value |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Value as number for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R, W |
valuewithoutsymbol |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Value as string without the measurement unit symbol for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
prettyrangevalue |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Range value as string in the format specified by the measurement unit for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
rangevalue |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Range value as number for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
rangename |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Range name for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
periodname |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Period name for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
seriesname |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Series name for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
trendname |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Trend name for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
trendnameandperiod |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Trend name with period for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
statusname |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Status name for the given series and period (as parameters), is empty if no status assigned |
R |
periodnameforeditor |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Period name for Portal values editor for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
rangeiconurl |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Path to the range icon in Portal for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
rangecoloriconurl |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Path to the range color icon in Portal for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
statusiconurl |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Path to the status icon in Portal for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
trendiconurl |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Path to the trend icon in Portal for the given series and period (as parameters) |
R |
values |
series (series ID), period (period ID). Both parameters can be multiple. |
Returns measure values in a format described below this table. |
R |
seriessettings |
Properties of all measure series in the XML container format with the following information about each series: series ID, label, measurement unit, accumulation rule, input type, formula (if exists) |
R |
drilldownoptions |
Drill-down options of the measure in the XML container format with the following information: enabled auto-referencing flag (0/1), drill-down depth, referencing by symbol flag (0/1), referencing by name flag (0/1), remove non-matching references flag (0/1), automatic reference creation flag (0/1) |
R |
rolesandusers |
Assigned user roles in the XML container format with the following information about each role: ID, name, description, assigned user (as UM object, if exists) |
R |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given measure |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given measure |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given measure |
R |
owner |
User ID of the measure owner |
R, W |
label |
series (series ID/symbol) |
Label of the defined series |
R, W |
trend |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Returns the trend for the series and period given as parameters. The returned value is an integer that represents the trend as follows: -2 = None, -1 = Descending, 0 = Constant, and 1 = Ascending. |
R |
periodicaccumulationvalue |
series (series ID) |
Returns the periodic accumulation rule for the series given as a parameter. The returned value is an integer that represents the periodic accumulation rule as follows: 0 = Sum, 1 = Average, 2 = Min, 3 = Max, 4 = First, 5 = Last, 6 = Sum (ignore null), 7 = Average (ignore null), 8 = None, 9 = Undefined, and 10 = Latest. |
R |
inputtypevalue |
series (series ID) |
Returns the input type name for the series given as a parameter. The returned value is an integer that represents the input type as follows: 0 = Manual, 1 = Formula, 2 = SQL Import, and 3 = ADO Import. |
R |
status |
series (series ID), period (period ID) |
Status as ID or name for the given series and period (as parameters) |
W |
enableautomaticreferencing |
Defines whether automatic referencing is on (1) or off (0) for the measure. |
R, W |
drilldownscorecard |
Defines whether to perform drill down for all elements which have automatic referencing enabled in the scorecard containing the element. 1 = Perform drill down, 0 = Don't perform drill down |
R, W |
drilldownmodel |
Defines whether to perform drill down for all elements which have automatic referencing enabled in the model. 1 = Perform drill down, 0 = Don't perform drill down |
R, W |
values format:
<series id>
<period id>
<measure value>
[<status option>]
… (other periods)
… (other series)
Attributes applicable to measure types only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
elementtyperoles |
Read: User roles in the XML container format with the following information about each role: ID, name, description. Write: A comma-separated list of roles in the format <role name>|<role description> Note that the list being written will replace an existing roles list. |
R, W |
Attributes applicable to linked elements only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
status |
Linked element status as an integer. Valid values are 0 = Draft, 1 = Proposal, 2 = Obsolete, and 3 = Accepted |
R, W |
Attributes applicable to period levels only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
periodlevelprefix |
Prefix as a string (e.g. Q for quarter) |
R, W |
periodleveltype |
Type (e.g. year, quarter, month etc) as integer number. Valid values are Year = 100, Half year = 200, Third = 300, Quarter = 400, Month = 500, Week = 600, Day = 700, and Custom = 800 |
R, W |
periodlevelaccumulation |
Accumulation rule (e.g. first or last) as integer number. Valid values are 0 = First day of the period, 1 = Last day of the period, 2 = Middle of the period |
R, W |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given period level |
R |
lockdateoffset |
Number of days (counting from the current date) after which the period will be automatically locked. |
R |
islockdateoffsetenabled |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the automatic period locking after a specified offset is used. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
Attributes applicable to periods only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
startdate |
Period start date. |
R |
enddate |
Period end date. |
R |
islocked |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the period is locked. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
periodlevelid |
Integer attribute returning the ID of the period's period level |
R |
periodindex |
Integer attribute returning the index of the attribute in its period level |
R |
Attributes applicable to ranges only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
rangevalue, value |
Range value as a floating point attribute |
R, W (R only for value) |
showwarning |
Boolean attribute indicating whether warning is shown in upper level measures |
R |
minseriesid |
Identifier attribute returning the ID of the series of range's lower limit (if any). |
R |
maxseriesid |
Identifier attribute returning the ID of the series of range's upper limit (if any). |
R |
valuesettingid |
Identifier attribute returning the ID of range's value settings. |
R |
minbelongstorange |
Boolean attribute which returns true only if the range's lower limit belongs to the range. |
R |
maxbelongstorange |
Boolean attribute which returns true value only if the range's upper limit belongs the the range. |
R |
color |
String attribute returning the range color in 24-bit hexadecimal format. |
R |
Attributes applicable to series only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
pathtype |
Type (e.g. normal or range limit) as integer number |
R |
defaultformula |
Default formula as a string |
R, W |
reversedtrend |
1 if series has reversed trend, otherwise 0 |
R, W |
trendtype |
Trend type as integer number. 0 = two period difference, 1 = one period polarity |
R, W |
Attributes applicable to value settings only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
defaultseriesid |
ID of the default series |
R, W |
forcemin |
Force minimum flag value (0 or 1) |
R, W |
forcemax |
Force maximum flag value (0 or 1) |
R, W |
Attributes applicable to information items only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
location |
Information item location as a string |
R, W |
parentobjects |
A comma-separated list of elements the information item is connected to |
W, Ref |
Attributes applicable to measurement units only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
unitsymbol |
Measurement unit symbol as a string |
R, W |
numberofdecimals |
Number of decimal digits |
R, W |
decimalseparator |
Decimal separator as a string |
R, W |
digitseparator |
Digit group separator as a string |
R, W |
unitbeforevalue |
1 if measurement unit symbol precedes the value, otherwise 0 |
R, W |
digitsingroup |
Number of digits in one group |
R, W |
Attributes applicable to alerts only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
alerttype |
Type of the alert as integer. Valid values are: Value changed = 0, value in range = 1, and value missing = 2. The value cannot be set to 1 if the value of the alertrangeid is undefined. |
R, W |
alertrangeid |
Range ID |
R, W |
delayed |
1 if alert is delayed, otherwise 0 |
R, W |
alertdelay |
Delay in days (is 0 if alert is not delayed) |
R, W |
alerturl |
Link to the alert details view in Portal as a string |
R, W |
lastalerteddate |
Date when alert was last triggered |
R |
lastalertedperiodid |
ID of the period when alert last triggered |
R |
recipients |
Recipients of the alert as a comma-separated list of user/group ID's. |
W |
Attributes applicable to measure user roles only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
Role ID |
R |
name |
Name |
R |
description |
Description |
R |
user |
Information about the user assigned to role (sub-attributes are the same as for an UM object) |
R |
These attributes are available when querying the QPR Modeling Client (PG) object:
All levels attributes
These attributes are available for all levels of PG objects.
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
name, prettyname |
Object/model/folder name |
R |
detailsurl, viewurl |
Link to the object/model details view in Portal, is empty for folder |
R |
iconurl |
filenameonly (0/1) |
Path and name (or name only, if ‘filenameonly’ parameter is 1) of the corresponding object/model/folder icon in Portal |
R |
id, objectid |
Object/model/folder ID |
R |
fullid |
Full object/model/folder id in format <PG product id>.<model/folder id>.[<object id>[.<sub object id>]] (<object id> and <sub object id> are missing on model level) |
R |
accesslevel, hierarchyaccesslevel |
Access level to the object/model/folder for the current user (the ‘hierarchyaccesslevel’ attribute on object level also takes into account if an object can be just visible in hierarchy) |
R |
Model/folder information level attributes
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
id |
Object ID |
R |
description |
Model description, empty for non-models |
R |
name, prettyname |
For versioned models returns the name of the root model, for non-versioned the model name is returned. For other types the name of the object is returned |
R |
mainviewurl |
Link to the root level diagram view in Portal, is empty for non-models |
R |
typename |
One of the following strings depending on the model/folder type: ‘Folder’, ‘RootModel’, ‘Branch’, ‘Template’, ‘BaseModel’, ‘ChildModel’, ‘Model’ |
R |
typegroupname |
See typename |
R |
ismodel |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if querying a model. If defined, the value of the ‘true’ parameter for model, value of the ‘false’ parameter for folder. |
R |
lastmodifieddate |
Last modification date |
R |
lastsaveddate |
Last saving date |
R |
creationdate |
Creation date |
R |
authorname |
Author name |
R |
authoremail |
Author e-mail address |
R |
rootobjectid |
ID of the process model object |
R |
rootprocesslevelname |
Returns the root diagram name |
R |
version |
Version |
R |
comment |
Comment |
R |
status |
Status |
R |
graph |
Diagram image of the root diagram as binary file stream |
R |
fullpath |
Full server path of the model as string |
R |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given model/folder information object |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given model/folder information object |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given model/folder information object |
R |
hierarchyname |
For versioned models returns the version of the model, for non-versioned the model name is returned. For other types the name of the object is returned |
R |
usesversionmanagement |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the model uses version management. If defined, the value of the ‘true’ parameter for model, value of the ‘false’ parameter for folder. |
R |
rootmodel |
subattributes |
Returns the root model ID. This attribute can be used also together with another attribute from this table as a sub-attribute, for example (name of the root model) |
R |
branch |
subattributes |
Using this attribute requires using another attribute from this table as a sub-attribute, for example (ID of the parent branch for versioned models) |
R |
folder |
subattributes |
Using this attribute requires using another attribute from this table as a sub-attribute, for example (ID of folder that contains the model) |
R |
modelversionid |
Returns the model version ID for versioned models. |
R |
customattributetypes |
For models returns all custom attribute types defined in the model as a set of customattributetype elements. The customattributetype elements contain the following attributes: •Name: Name of the custom attribute. String •Cardinality: Cardinality of the custom attribute. 1 or N. •Type: Type of the custom attribute. String.
This is empty for non-models. |
R |
parentobject |
Returns the ID of the model's parent. |
R |
Attributes applicable to all model objects
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
isoftype |
type (enumerated object type) [,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the object is of type defined by the type parameter. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
typename |
Object type name |
R |
typegroupname |
Returns the same as typename except for when the typegroup supports creation of customized types. For example, when querying an Activity element, its typegroupname is Process Step. |
R |
type |
Object type enumerated ID |
R |
addactionurl |
Link in Portal where user can add an action linked to the object |
R |
isinprocesslevel |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the object is in a diagram. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
flowcharturl |
Link to the diagram view of the first available diagram for the object in Portal (is empty is the object does not exist on any diagram) |
R |
description |
Object description (includes possible HTML formatting) |
R |
descriptiontitle |
Object description without any HTML formatting |
R |
lastmodifieddate |
Last modification date |
R |
authorname |
Author name |
R |
authoremail |
Author e-mail address |
R |
hasauthoremail |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the object has author email defined. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
status |
Status |
R |
version |
Version |
R |
comment |
Comment |
R |
hasowner |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the object has owner defined. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
owner |
Object that is the owner of the given object (can have any object sub-attributes in turn), nothing if owner is not defined |
R |
processlevellocator |
JS function code text that locates the object on the diagram in Portal |
R |
model |
Model where the given object is in (can have any model sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
firstprocesslevel, parent |
First available diagram object where the given object is in (can have any object sub-attributes in turn), may be nothing. If this is the main level, a processmodel object is returned. |
R |
firstorganizationitem |
First available organization item object where the given object is on (can have any object sub-attributes in turn), may be nothing |
R |
fullprocesspath |
Full diagrams path to the object |
R |
graphicalproperties |
Graphical properties of all visible object instances in the XML container format with the following information about each symbol object: symbol id, top-left X coordinate, top-left Y coordinate, width, height, instance ID (if applicable for the current object), zorder, font. |
R |
customattributetypes |
Returns all custom attribute types attached to the element type of the object (or custom attribute types attached to the object when querying an element type object) as a set of customattributetype elements. The customattributetype elements contain the following attributes: •Name: Name of the custom attribute. String •Cardinality: Cardinality of the custom attribute. 1 or N. •Type: Type of the custom attribute. String. |
R |
[customattribute.]<custom attribute name>[.<optional dot-separated hierarchy of custom attribute names>] |
Custom attribute object itself. For subattributes, see the "Attributes applicable to custom attributes only" table below. If the name contains spaces, they must be omitted (i.e. My Attribute becomes MyAttribute). In addition, if the name begins with a number, the name used in QPR Web Services Foundation is prefixed with an underscore (i.e. 1MyAttribute becomes _1MyAttribute). Also a hash symbol # is replaced with an underscore. |
R |
ordernumber.sortvalue |
When sorting is needed for ordernumber type of customattributes, use ordernumber.sortvalue instead of ordernumber.value |
R |
connectedusers |
The full ids of the users connected to a given PG object. Supported only for resources and organization units. |
R |
properties |
Properties of the object, see Properties Attribute for details. |
R |
externalmodel |
The model id of the external model that is set as the value of an external model custom attribute and the diagram id, if a diagram has been selected from the external model for the custom attribute. |
R |
diagramcontents |
Diagram contents properties of all visible instances in the XML container format, with the following information about each symbol object: id, offsetx, offsety, visible and instance id |
R |
Attributes applicable to process steps only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
modelingdirection |
Modeling direction (vertical or horizontal) |
R |
isusedefaultmodelingdirection |
0 if the process step uses the default modeling direction of the model, 1 if an own direction is used |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given process step |
R |
related |
relation (Same as result of the function with the same name for the given process step) |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given process step |
R |
Attributes applicable to diagrams only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
graph |
Diagram image as binary file stream |
R |
flowchartimageurl |
Link to the diagram image in Portal |
R |
subsections |
recursive (0/1) |
List of ID's of all process steps and diagrams inside itself (if the ‘recursive’ parameter is 1, drills down through all child diagrams too) |
R |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given diagram |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given diagram |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given diagram |
R |
subprocesscontents |
Diagram contents including organization units. |
R |
hotspots |
Information about all hotspots in a diagram. See Hotspots Attribute for more details about the returned data.
R |
Attributes applicable to flows and arrows only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
flow |
Flow or arrow object itself (sub-attributes are listed section below) |
R |
from |
Object which flow/arrow goes from (can have any object sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
to |
Object which flow/arrow comes to (can have any object sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
fromprocesslevel |
Diagram object of the object which flow/arrow goes from (can have any object sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
toprocesslevel |
Diagram object of the object which flow/arrow comes to (can have any object sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
mappedsourceinterface |
The interface element that is mapped to the connector start. |
R |
mappeddestinationinterface |
The interface element that is mapped to the connector end. |
R |
flowroute |
Returns the flow's route through the diagram hierarchy. The returned route information is returned in the correct order, starting from the start diagram level, following the diagram hierarchy, and ending on the end diagram level. The return value is an array of route nodes. Each route node contains: •"processlevel": the process level id •"from": the from element id on this process level •"to": the to element id on this process level |
R |
Attributes applicable to information items only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given information item |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given information item |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given information item |
R |
infoitem |
Information item object itself (sub-attributes are listed below). To use a sub-attribute, use the format "infoitem.<sub-attribute>". For example, to get the information item type: infoitem.type. |
R |
type |
Type name. Use the format "infoitem.type". |
R |
link |
Link as string, applicable to linked items only. Use the format "". |
R |
linklocation |
Link as URL, applicable to linked items only. Use the format "infoitem.linklocation". |
R |
location |
Link location, applicable to linked items only. Use the format "infoitem.location". |
R |
embedtype |
Information item kind (linked or embedded). Use the format "infoitem.embedtype". |
R |
embeddeddata |
Embedded data as blob stream, applicable to embedded items only. Use the format "infoitem.embeddeddata". |
R |
embeddedfilename |
Name of the embedded file, applicable to embedded items only. Use the format "infoitem.embeddedfilename". |
embeddedfilemimetype |
MIME type of the embedded file, applicable to embedded items only. Use the format "infoitem.embeddedfilemimetype". |
Attributes applicable to stores only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
store |
Store object itself (sub-attribute is listed below) |
R |
type |
Type (information or material) |
R |
Attributes applicable to resources only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given resource |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given resource |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given resource |
R |
resource |
Resource object itself (sub-attributes are listed below) |
R |
type |
Type name |
R |
unit |
Unit name |
R |
Attributes applicable to organization units only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given organization unit |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given organization unit |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given organization unit |
R |
organizationunit |
Organization unit object itself (sub-attribute is listed below) |
R |
type |
Type name |
R |
Attributes applicable to notes only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given note |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given note |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given note |
R |
Attributes applicable to custom elements only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
childobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given custom element |
R |
parentobjects |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given custom element |
R |
related |
relation |
Same as result of the function with the same name for the given custom element |
R |
Attributes applicable to element hierarchies only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
symbol |
Symbol |
R |
Attributes applicable to custom attributes only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
name |
Attribute type name |
R |
isrelation |
[,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the attribute is relational. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
isoftype |
type (enumerated attribute type ID), [,true=value] [,false=value] |
Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if the optional true and false parameters are missing depending on if the attribute is of type defined by the type parameter. If true and/or false parameters are defined, values defined for them are returned instead of 0/1. |
R |
value |
Attribute value. For cardinality N custom attributes, returns the first value. Note that when sorting is needed, use SortValue instead. |
R |
sortvalue |
Attribute value in a format suitable for sorting. Mainly applicable for ordernumber attributes. |
R |
relation |
Object specified by the relation (can have any object sub-attributes in turn), applicable only to relational attributes |
R |
values |
[index=N], [count=true] |
If the optional index parameter is defined, returns the index N value from a cardinality N simple type custom attribute (Text, Numeric, Boolean, Memo). If the index is smaller than 0, not numeric, or if the index parameter isn't given, returns all the values. Values are returned separated by line feeds. If index is greater than or equal to the attribute count, nothing is returned. If the count parameter is defined, the index parameter is ignored, and returns 0 if there are no values, and N if there are N values. For attribute sets these can be used as in the following example: There is an attribute set SetX that has cardinality N custom attribute Text. An Activity element type has the attribute set SetX as cardinality N. Activity1 element has two SetX attribute sets. SetX1 has two Text values and SetX2 has three Text values. Therefore, querying: SetX.Text(count=true) returns "2\r\n3" SetX.Text(index=1) returns "SetXText1.2\r\n\SetXText2.2" |
R |
Attributes applicable to users only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
user |
User object itself (sub-attributes are the same as for a UM object) |
R |
Attributes applicable to SC links only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
scmeasure |
SC link object itself (possible sub-attributes listed below) |
R |
iconurl |
Path and name of the SC measure icon in Portal |
R |
iconhinttext |
Hint text to the SC measure icon in Portal |
R |
measurename |
Linked SC measure name |
R |
measuredetailsurl |
Link to the element view of the linked SC measure in Portal |
R |
scorecardname |
Linked scorecard name |
R |
scorecarddetailsurl |
Link to the SC view of the linked scorecard in Portal |
R |
colorimageurl |
Path and name of the range color icon in Portal |
R |
colorimagehinttext |
Hint text to the range color icon in Portal |
R |
trendimageurl |
Path and name of the trend icon in Portal |
R |
trendimagehinttext |
Hint text for the trend icon in Portal |
R |
scmodelname |
Linked SC model name |
R |
processtep |
PG object that owns this SC link (can have any object sub-attributes in turn) |
R |
Attributes applicable to element types only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
propertiesofelementsoftype |
Returns all properties that are supported by all elements of the element type. Returned data is in the same format as described in Properties Attribute with the exception of the tag name. |
R |
Attributes applicable to input / output interface elements only
Attribute |
Parameters |
Description |
Availability |
mappedconnectors |
Returns a list of connectors mapped to the interface element. |
R |