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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Actions

    Adding, Chaining, Editing, and Deleting Actions

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    A new action can be added into an open view by clicking the Add link above the tree hierarchy at the left side of the view. A window for adding a new action is opened.


    The type of the action that is being added can be selected from the Action type drop-down menu at the top of the window. Fill in the action properties and click the OK button at the bottom of the window to add the attachment. If you wish to exit the window without adding an action, click the Cancel button.


    A new action can be chained with an existing action by first selecting an action with which the new action will be chained and then clicking the Reply button at the bottom of the window.


    The contents of an action can be modified by first selecting an action to be modified and then clicking the Edit button at the bottom of the window, which will open the action properties into a new window. When the desired changes have been made, click the Ok button at the bottom of the window to take the changes into use. If you wish to exit the window without making any changes, click the Cancel button.


    An action can be deleted by first selecting an action from the list and then clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the window, which will open a confirmation dialog. Click Ok to remove the action or click Cancel if you do not want to remove the action. An administrator can also remove whole action branches by removing an action which has subactions. Whenever an administrator deletes an action, a dialog will request whether all the subactions should be deleted as well. Note that as actions can have multiple parent elements, deleting a branch may not necessarily remove all actions below the selected action.