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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Managing Briefing Booklets > Pages

    Add Page

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    In this window you are expected to give a name, type and description for the new booklet page.


    Activate the Name field and enter name for the page. Page name is not an identifier and therefore it can be anything as long as it is not empty. When you have typed in the name, select the page type. There are three different page types available: Custom URL, View, and Briefing Page.


    Custom URL.

    The page contents will be derived from an Internet server which address (URL) you have entered in the Link field. Remember to include the transfer protocol into the address (http://, https://, ftp://, etc.).


    The page consists of QPR Metrics or QPR Modeling Client view, which you have stored into the basket or added as a bookmark earlier. Select a bookmark from the provided Bookmark list.

    Briefing Page.

    The page has a template for positioning a title and basket and bookmark items. Type in a title in the Title field and select a page template from the Template drop-down list box. To preview the briefing page, click the Preview button.


    Description can contain any text describing your page. To write a description, active the Description field and enter a description.


    When you are done and wish to confirm creating the page with the entered parameters, click the OK button. If you want to cancel the operation, press the Cancel button.