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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Managing Briefing Booklets > Pages

    Page Properties

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    In this window you can change the page settings.


    Depending on a page type (Custom URL, View or Briefing Page), different data fields are available. The available fields for each page type are as follows:



    Custom URL


    Page's name. To rename the page, click the Name field and overwrite the existing name with the new one.


    An Internet address where the page contents reside. To change the link, click the Link field and overwrite the existing URL with a new one. A full address is required with the transfer protocol (http://, https://, ftp://, etc.).


    Description of the page. To change the description, activate the Description field and edit the text.




    Page's name. To rename the page, click the Name field and overwrite the existing name with the new one.


    Select a bookmark from the list to display the bookmarked view on the page.


    Description of the page. To change the description, activate the Description field and edit the text.


    Briefing Page


    Page's name. To rename the page, click the Name field and overwrite the existing name with the new one.


    Page's title. To change the title of the page, click the Title field and overwrite the existing title with a new one.


    Page's template. To change a page's template, select a new template from the Template drop-down list box. If you want to preview the page before saving the settings, click the Preview button.


    Description of the page. To change the description, activate the Description field and edit the text.


    When you are done and wish to confirm the modifications you have made, click the OK button. If do not want that the changes will take effect, press the Cancel button.