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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Alerts View

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    You can open the Alerts View from the alerts section in element view by clicking "Show All" above the alert table. The Alerts View displays the list of alerts for the current element. Note that you can only view the alerts for which you have sufficient rights to view.


    Each alert is listed with its "Alert Type", the date when it was "Last Alerted", and the "Recipient(s)" who receive the e-mail notification of the alert.


    To edit an existing alert, click the "Modify" button to the right of the alert in the list.


    Deleting Alerts


    You can only delete alerts if you have sufficient right to do so. If the Delete button is available, then you can delete the alert. To delete an alert, simply click the Delete button on the right of the alert which you wish to remove.




    Following options are available in the toolbar:


    Create New Alert

    Opens a window in which you can create a new alert.