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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Scorecards > Alerts View

    Creating and Editing Alerts

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    To create an alert, click the "Create New Alert button". To edit an existing alert, click the "Modify" button to the right of the alert in the list. In the case that you have only view rights to the measure, you can create alerts only for yourself.


    First you must set the Alert Type for the element's alert. The Alert Type defines the condition for the alert, i.e. the case under which the alert is triggered. Select from one of the following Alert Types:


    Value Enters Range:

    If you select this case, then the alert will be triggered when the value enters the selected range. For example, if the listed ranges are Excellent, Good and Poor, then you can set an alert to be triggered in the case that the value drops into the Poor range.

    Value Missing:

    If you select this case, then the alert will be triggered when the value for the current period is missing. You can select the "Notification delay" for when the email notification should be sent. For example if you enter "5" in the Notification delay field, then if the alert is triggered, the email notification will be sent 5 days after the end of the current period. The notification delay is useful for controlling and organizing the email notifications. For example, a system could be devised that all missing values are reported on the first day of a new period.

    Value Changed:

    If you select this case, then the alert will be triggered each time the value changes. You can select whether the email notification is sent "immediately when the value changes" or "when the date changes" (i.e. at the turn of midnight). Selecting "when the date changes" is useful because in the case that there is more than one change to the same value during the day, the recipient will only get one email notification with the last change of the day.


    Next you must set the Notification of the alert. Click the Select button to select the "Recipient(s)" of the e-mail notification. In this window, select the recipients (users and or groups), which will receive the e-mail notification. Tip: Hold the Shift or Ctrl key while selecting to make multiple selections. Click "OK" to add the selected users and/or groups to the list of Recipient(s).


    You can specify an optional WWW address you want to attach to the notification to the Attach this WWW address to the notification field.