This chapter describes the contents of the qpr .ini settings files.
The QPR .ini files can be found in the following locations:
•QPR_Clients.ini located in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients\Settings folder.
•QPR_Servers.ini located in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Servers\Settings\<possible instance folder> folder.
•QPR_Shared.ini located in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Shared\Settings\<possible instance folder> folder.
•QPR_Servers.ini and QPR_Shared.ini located in the QPR 2023 Servers installation folder contains only certain read-only settings. This is used only in the case the files under the ProgramData cannot be found. This file is read-only, so for instance QPR Configuration Manager does not modify this one.
Abbreviations used in the files:
UMS = QPR User Management System
SCS = QPR Metrics Server
SCC = QPR Metrics Client
PGS = QPR BizArchitecture Server
PGC = QPR Modeling Client
WAS = QPR Web Application Server
SCP = QPR Metrics Plugin (i.e. the Web Client)
PGP = QPR Modeling Plugin (i.e. the Web Client)
Settings in QPR_Clients.ini
[UMS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Connections |
String |
A semicolon-separated list of configured server connections. Each connection entry is a comma-separated list of the following values: Order number in the list, flag indicating whether the connection is the default connection (0/1), connection's name, server's host, and port. |
[PGS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Connections |
String |
A semicolon-separated list of configured server connections. Each connection entry is a comma-separated list of the following values: Order number in the list, flag indicating whether the connection is the default connection (0/1), connection's name, server's host, and port. |
[SCS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Connections |
String |
A semicolon-separated list of configured server connections. Each connection entry is a comma-separated list of the following values: Order number in the list, flag indicating whether the connection is the default connection (0/1), connection's name, server's host, and port. |
[SCC Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DefaultReportFolder |
String |
Folder where reports are located. |
DefaultReportWWWServer |
String |
URL where published reports will appear. |
HideSplashScreen |
Integer |
Defines whether the splash screen is hidden on QPR Metrics client startup. 0 = splash screen is shown (default), 1 = splash screen is hidden. |
EnableLanguageSpecificContent |
Boolean |
Defines whether multilingual modeling is in use in QPR Metrics client. 0 = multilingual modeling is not in use (default), 1 = multilingual content is in use. |
LoadAllElements |
Boolean |
Defines when Metrics model elements are loaded from the Metrics server. 0 = each element is loaded as needed (default), 1 = all elements are loaded at once when the model is opened. |
[XML Integration] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
SettingsFile |
String |
The full path and the file name of the last selected task file in XML integration. |
ExportFile |
String |
The full path and the file name of the last selected export file. |
XSLTFile |
String |
The full path and the file name of the last selected XSLT file. |
[PGC Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ModelCheckLevel |
Integer |
Flag used in model validation. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
DefaultTemplate |
String |
Name and location of the default file model template, if used. |
[Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
TasksDir |
String |
The name of the directory where predefined integration settings files are stored (if this is missing, the application uses the default directory, which is C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients\PGIntegrationTasks. |
DefaultModelingWorkDirectory |
String |
Defines the folder that is opened by default with Open and Save As operations for models. This setting is used until the user uses some other directory for a successful model operation. The new folder will be the default folder for the rest of the client session. In the case this setting is empty, the pgmodels folder under C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients is used by default. |
DefaultModelingScriptDirectory |
String |
Defines the folder that is opened by default when the Run command for scripts is used and populates the Run Script menu by scripts in the folder. This setting is used until the user uses some other folder for opening a script successfully. The new folder will be the default folder for the rest of the client session. In the case this setting is empty, the pgscripts folder under C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients is used by default. |
DefaultMetricsWorkDirectory |
String |
Defines the folder that is opened by default with Import and Export operations for models in QPR Metrics. This setting is used until the user uses some other directory for a successful import or export operation. The new folder will be the default folder for the rest of the client session. |
DefaultMetricsScriptDirectory |
String |
Defines the folder that is opened by default when the Run command for scripts is used in QPR Metrics. This setting is used until the user uses some other folder for opening a script successfully. The new folder will be the default folder for the rest of the client session. In the case this setting is empty, the scscripts folder under C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Clients is used by default . |
SharePointSiteURLs |
String |
Defines the URL(s) of SharePoint site(s). If multiple sites are defined, the URLs need to be separated with semicolons. If this string is empty, SharePoint actions are disabled. |
CMISServers |
String |
Defines the URL(s) of Content Management Interoperability Services AtomPub endpoint(s) used by various content management systems supporting the CMIS standard. If multiple endpoints are defined, the URLs need to be separated with semicolons. If this string is empty, CMIS actions are disabled. |
Folder |
String |
Defines the folder where all the client logs are stored. |
CacheFolder |
String |
Defines the folder in which cache files created by QPR client components are stored. |
EnableIPv6 |
Integer |
Defines whether Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is used for opening a connection to the server. 0 = IPv6 is not enabled and IPv4 is used to open the connection (the default value), 1 = IPv6 is enabled and the client tries to open the connection to the server with IPv6. |
[ScriptSettings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ScriptTimeout |
Integer |
Defines the default timeout value for QPR scripts that do not contain the setting in the scripts themselves. The value is the interval (in seconds) for displaying a notification about a time-consuming script being executed. Setting this to 0 disables the notification. |
ClientSecurity |
Integer |
Defines how QPR Scripts can be executed. 0 = scripts are not allowed to run, 1 = in clients only, a confirmation is asked, 2 = in clients only, no confirmation, 3 = running scripts is allowed both in clients and in Windows Explorer, 4 = as with 3, in addition Integrated Windows Authentication is allowed. |
SingleInstanceScriptAPI |
Integer |
Defines whether only a single SCApplication COM object (QPR Metrics client instance) should be created. If this is 0 or missing, a new client instance is created for each CreateObject call. If this is 1, an existing instance is used if it exists. |
[SCC Log], [PGC Log], and [UMC Log] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Threshold |
Integer |
Defines the log trace mode. 255 = normal trace mode, 6577 = full trace mode. |
MaxSize |
Integer |
The maximum size of the log file in kilobytes. After the maximum size is searched, the old entries are overwritten starting from the oldest entry. |
Enabled |
Integer |
Defines whether logging is on. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
[Flow Chart Print Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
BlackAndWhite |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the diagram is printed in black and white. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
OrganizationsOnEveryPage |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether organization item headers are reprinted on each page. 0= no, 1 = yes. |
CheckpointsOnEveryPage |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether checkpoint headers are reprinted on each page. 0= no, 1 = yes. |
SeparateSettings |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the first page uses a separate settings. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FixedSize |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the diagram print is done in fixed size. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FitToOnePage |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the diagram print is fitted to one page. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FitToPages |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the diagram print is fitted to multiple pages. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
PrintSubprocesses |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether all the child diagrams are printed as well. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
LeftMargin |
Decimal |
Left margin used in diagram print. |
RightMargin |
Decimal |
Right margin used in diagram print. |
TopMargin |
Decimal |
Top margin used in diagram print. |
BottomMargin |
Decimal |
Bottom margin used in diagram print. |
ZoomTo |
Integer |
Value for fixed size used in diagram print. |
PagesHigh |
Integer |
Number of vertical pages used in diagram print. |
PagesWide |
Integer |
Number of horizontal pages used in diagram print. |
Orientation |
Integer |
Flag indicating default printer orientation. 0 = Landscape, 1 = Portrait. |
[Page1 / Page N Header and Footer Items 0...n] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ItemLocation |
Integer |
Location of item, 0 = left, 1 = center, 2= right |
PageItem |
Integer |
Type of the item, 0 = model name, 1 = diagram version, 2 = printing time, 3 = created, 4 = last saved, 5 = page number, 7 = file name, 8 = free text (see below), 9 = status, 10 = subprocess name |
FreeText |
String |
Free text |
FontName |
String |
Font name |
FontSize |
Integer |
Font size |
FontBold |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the item is bolded. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FontItalic |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the item's is in italic. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FontUnderline |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the item is underlined. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FontStrikeout |
Integer |
Flag indicating whether the item is struck out. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
FontColor |
Integer |
Color number for the item |
FontCharset |
String |
Character set for the page header item font. |
[QPR Custom Colors] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Color<A-P> |
String |
User-defined custom colors. |
Settings in QPR_Shared.ini
[CustomerInfo] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
FirstName |
String |
Customer's first name |
LastName |
String |
Customer's last name |
EntitlementID |
String |
Customer's Product Activation Code |
Organization |
String |
Customer's organization |
JobTitle |
String |
Customer's job title |
String |
Customer's e-mail address |
Phone |
String |
Customer's phone number |
AddressLine1 |
String |
First line of the customer's address |
AddressLine2 |
String |
Second line of the customer's address |
ZipCode |
String |
Customer's zip/postal code |
City |
String |
Name of the city the customer lives in |
Region |
String |
Region the customer lives in |
Country |
String |
Name of the country the customer lives in |
Comments |
String |
Customer's comments |
[Proxy] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
UseProxy |
Integer |
Defines whether proxy server is used in QPR Product Activation. |
Server |
String |
IP address of the proxy server |
Port |
Integer |
Socket port of the proxy |
[Activation] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
String |
QPR Activation server URL |
String |
QPR's Customer Care e-mail address for manual product activation instructions |
LicencingModes |
String |
Supported licensing modes. |
Helpdesk |
String |
QPR Customer Care contact information. |
SilentFirstActivation |
Boolean |
Defines whether the first product activation is done in a silent mode. |
UseSilentForTransient |
Boolean |
Defines whether transient product activation is done in a silent mode. |
ShowTransientExpirationWarning |
Integer |
Defines how many days before expiration the warning is shown. Default value is 0 meaning no warnings. |
[Servers] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Standalone |
Integer |
Defines whether a standalone version is installed. 1 = yes, 0 = no. This setting controls if the corresponding server components are launched when QPR Modeling Client or QPR Metrics client is launched. This option does not affect QPR Web Application Server or QPR Web Services Foundation. |
[Common] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
EnableGDIPlusGraphs |
Integer |
Defines whether Microsoft Windows GDI+ is used in drawing charts. 1 = yes (default) 0 = no. Disable this setting if you encounter troubles in drawing charts. |
GeneralLogMode |
Integer |
If set, defines the logging mode for all products. 0 = force normal trace mode, 1 = force full trace mode, 2 = custom mode |
EnableGDIPlusBitmapGraphs |
Integer |
Defines whether Microsoft Windows GDI+ is used in drawing charts if UseBitmapTextInGraphicalViews is 1 or the charts have background pictures. 1 = yes (default) 0 = no. Disable this setting if you encounter troubles in drawing charts. |
ClientSocketKeepaliveTimeout |
Integer |
Time in minutes between the sent keepalive messages when client is connected to server. This is necessary in situations where network connections are dropped after some time of inactivity. Default value is 1 minute (Windows default is 120 minutes). |
ClientSocketKeepaliveInterval |
Integer |
Time in seconds between resends in case keepalive messages are not being acknowledged. Default value is 1 second. |
ClientServerCompression |
Integer |
Defines whether compression is used in client - server communication. The possible values are: 0 = no compression is used except for model exports. 1 = if network connection is slower than 10Mb/s, compression is used for packets larger than 512 bytes. 2 = compression is always used for all packets larger than 512 bytes. In the case this key is missing or the value has not been defined, 1 is used by default. This setting is a client-side setting, i.e. the client computer defines the use of compression. |
ForceClearTypeFontSmoothing |
Integer |
Defines whether clear type font smoothing is used in QPR Modeling Client diagrams even if clear type font smoothing has not been enabled in display settings, 0 = off (default), 1 = on. |
[Fonts] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
UnicodeFontName |
String |
The font used in Unicode user interface controls (currently only translation dialogs for multilingual modeling) of QPR Modeling Client. |
UnicodeFontSize |
Integer |
Size of the Unicode font. |
NavigatorFontName |
String |
Font used in all tree navigator controls in QPR Metrics and QPR Modeling clients. This setting is useful in the case the default font for example does not support all symbols in the language used in the model. |
NavigatorFontSize |
Integer |
Size of the navigator font. |
ChartTitleFontName |
String |
Font used in the history chart title in QPR Metrics. This setting is useful in the case the default font for example does not support all symbols in the language used in the model. |
ChartTitleFontSize |
Integer |
Size of the chart title font. |
LegendFontName |
String |
Font used in the legend of the history chart view in QPR Metrics. This setting is useful in the case the default font for example does not support all symbols in the language used in the model. |
LegendFontSize |
Integer |
Size of the legend font. |
GraphFont |
String |
The font used in Analysis and Simulation graph views. If this setting is not defined, Tahoma is used by default. This setting can be used to correct font problems in some environments such as Thai, where for instance MS Sans Serif works fine. |
GraphFontSize |
Integer |
Size of the graph fonts. |
Settings in QPR_Servers.ini
[QPR Database] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DBAlias |
String |
The database alias that is used by all QPR products. |
DBLogin |
String |
QPR database's login information. |
DBPassword |
String |
QPR database's password (encrypted). |
ReconnectInterval |
Integer |
The amount of seconds to wait before trying to re-establish a broken database connection. |
ReconnectRetryTimes |
Integer |
The amount of times the database connection is tried to be restored. |
MassOperationRecordCount |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of records that are stored with one SQL query. By default the value is 20. All positive integers from 0 upwards are valid values for this key. This setting can be used only with Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases. |
MassOperationMaxBlobSize |
Integer |
Defines the maximum size of blob fields that are stored with mass database operations. By default the value is 10000. All positive integers from 0 upwards are valid values for this key. This setting can be used only with Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases. |
TransactionQueueWarningTime |
Integer |
Defines the time (in minutes) after which a warning message is inserted in the relevant log file(s). The warning is triggered in the case a transaction has been in a QPR server component's transaction queue longer than the value defined here. In the case no value has been provided or the key is missing, 120 is used as the default value. |
TransactionQueueMaxTime |
Integer |
Defines the time (in minutes) after which an error message is inserted in the relevant log file(s). The error is triggered in the case a transaction has been in a QPR server component's transaction queue longer than the value defined here. Other database requests receive an error message telling that the database is overloaded until the transaction that triggered the warning is processed. In the case no value has been provided or the key is missing, 600 is used as the default value. |
TransactionQueueMaxTransactions |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of transactions in the transaction queue. The default value is 100, but this can be increased to allow very large modeling operations to be done within a short time period with a slow database. The limit for the amount of transactions is meant to restrict loss of data in case the server is terminated before transactions have been committed to the database. |
DBConnectionKeepAlive |
Integer |
This setting defines the interval (in minutes) between simple read operations that are performed to keep the database connection alive. This value is 0 by default (keepalive operations are not performed), but in the case you encounter problems with servers losing database connection after a certain amount of idle time, use this key with a value that's smaller than the idle time limit in your database. |
[WAS Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
MaximumNumberOfClients |
Integer |
The maximum number of requests that are handled simultaneously by QPR WAS. If the amount of requests exceeds the value defined here, new requests will not be processed until the old ones have been completed.
If you are having problems with a multiprocessor machine, try lowering this value to 1. |
MaximumNumberOfClients_PGPLUGIN |
Integer |
The maximum number of requests that are handled simultaneously by QPR Modeling Plugin (i.e. the Web Client). If the amount of requests exceeds the value defined here, new requests will not be processed until the old ones have been completed. |
MaximumNumberOfClients_QPRPORTAL |
Integer |
The maximum number of requests that are handled simultaneously by QPR Portal. If the amount of requests exceeds the value defined here, new requests will not be processed until the old ones have been completed. |
MaximumNumberOfClients_SCPLUGIN |
Integer |
The maximum number of requests that are handled simultaneously by QPR Metrics Plugin (i.e. the Web Client). If the amount of requests exceeds the value defined here, new requests will not be processed until the old ones have been completed. |
MaximumNumberOfClients_QPRWAS |
Integer |
The maximum number of internal (for example Login procedures and error messages) requests that are handled simultaneously by QPR WAS. If the amount of requests exceeds the value defined here, new requests will not be processed until the old ones have been completed. |
WebContentRoot |
String |
The URL for the Web Contents on the Web server. Note that cannot be used here if the QPR Web Application Server is accessed from other computers or the web server is installed on some other computer. This must be the IP address or the web server's server name (for example ""). |
HostScriptLocation |
String |
The URL for the CGI-binary on the Web server. Note that a localhost address like cannot be used here if the QPR Web Application Server is accessed from other computers or the web server is installed on some other computer. This must be the IP address or the web server's server name (for example ""). |
SessionExpirationTimeout |
Integer |
The maximum idle time in seconds before the session expires and user is forced to log in again. |
UseDefaultLoginView |
Integer |
Show the default or customized view in the login view. 1 = default, 0 = custom. |
CustomLoginURL |
String |
URL of the view shown in the login view if the default login view is not used. |
TemplateRoot |
String |
Root folder for all the template folders. If this setting has not been defined, the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Servers\Templates\WAS folder is used by default. |
ReadOnlyMode |
Integer |
Defines whether Portal is in read-only mode. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
MaxMemoryUsage |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of memory in megabytes QPR Web Application Server is allowed to consume before attempting to free up memory. This setting affects e.g. the amount of models cached in the memory and therefore also for instance searches. Setting this to 0 disables the limit. |
MemoryUsageLimit |
Integer |
Defines the per cent value of the threshold for the MaxMemoryUsage when the memory limit has been exceeded, so that WAS will drop models from memory until memory usage is <value>% under the specified MaxMemoryUsage. The default value is 20. |
IWAEnable |
Integer |
Defines whether Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled for QPR Portal. 0 = false, 1 = true. |
String |
Obsolete. Use IWACGIBinaryHost instead. |
CGIBinaryIP |
String |
Obsolete. Use CGIBinaryHost instead. |
CachePages |
Integer |
Defines whether HTML pages generated by QPR Portal are cached in the browser cache. The following values can be used: 0 = never cache pages, 1 = disabled by default, i.e. pages are not cached unless explicitly requested to do so. 2 = enabled by default, i.e. pages are cached unless explicitly requested not to do so. By default the value is 1. |
ForcePlainTextURLs |
Integer |
Defines whether QPR Portal URLs are encrypted (user account data is always encrypted regardless of this setting). 1 = plain text URLs are used, 0 = URLs are encrypted. By default the value is 1. |
EnableTemplateCaching |
Integer |
Defines whether Portal templates are cached in QPR Web Application Server. Disabling this is helpful when customizing templates, as the templates are refreshed without restarting QPR Web Application Server. 1 = yes, 0 = no. By default the value is 1. |
UIYearOffset |
Integer |
With this key you can define an offset (positive or negative) to be applied to the year values displayed in QPR Portal to accommodate for different calendars. Note that this setting affects only how the values are displayed, so calculations are not affected and two QPR Web Application Servers can utilize the same database with different offsets. However, negative offsets large enough to cause negative year values to be displayed in QPR Portal should not be used.
Note that this setting affects also situations where action attribute values of the type date are inputted. In those cases a reverse offset is applied to the values before inputting them to the database in order to maintain database consistency. |
WebContentPath |
String |
Path where the QPR web contents are installed. |
DefaultPortalMode |
Integer |
Defines the QPR Portal mode that is used for a user that hasn't previously logged into QPR Portal. 0 (default) = Standard Portal, 1 = Mini Portal. |
HidePortalModeChange |
Integer |
Defines whether a button is shown in QPR Portal for changing the Portal mode between Mini Portal and Standard Portal. 0 (default) = button is shown, 1 = button is hidden. |
DefaultDetailsPaneMode |
Integer |
Defines the default mode of the Details Pane in QPR Portal. 0 = disabled, 1 (default) = minimized, 2 = open. Note that this setting is overridden if user-specific Details Pane mode is set in QPR Portal Settings page. |
HideDetailsPaneModeChange |
Integer |
Defines whether it is possible to change the Details Pane mode in QPR Portal or not. 0 (default) = Details Pane mode change is allowed, 1 = Details Pane mode change is not allowed. |
EnableReportingView |
Integer |
Defines whether the Reports tab is available in QPR Portal. 0 (default) = Reports tab not available, 1 = Reports tab is available. |
ReportingFileType |
Integer |
Defines the file types for the reports in QPR Portal. 0 (default) = Word, 1 = PDF. |
StoreSessionIdToCookie |
Integer |
Defines whether session ID is stored in a cookie instead of URL. 0 = session ID not stored in cookie, 1 = session ID stored in cookie (default). |
IWACGIBinaryHost |
String |
Deprecated. CGIBinaryHost is now used, but in the case this key has a value and CGIBinaryHost is undefined, the value of this key is read into the CGIBinaryHost key. |
CGIBinaryHost |
String |
Defines the IP or hostname of the computer where QPR.isapi.dll or QPR.CGI.exe is located. This option needs to be set only when IWAEnable or EnableSSOForPortal (in UMS Settings section) is set to 1. |
AuthenticationService_<1...10> |
String |
Defines the type and the URL of the authentication service to use with Common QPR Authentication. The value is a combination of a service type and the URL to be used, separated by a comma. For the service type, use either "WAS" (QPR Web Application Server) or "WS" (QPR Web Services Server). Example usage: AuthenticationService_1=WAS, Must not point to the WAS URL of the WAS whose .ini file this resides in. |
EnableHtmlEmailNotification |
Boolean |
Defines if notification email templates for QPR Portal use HTML formatting. 0 = HTML formatting not used (default), 1 = HTML formatting used. |
AttachmentFileTypesAllowed |
String |
A semicolon-separated list of file types that are allowed as attachments. If empty, all file types are allowed. AttachmentFileTypesAllowed=.png;.txt; |
MaxUploadedFileLength |
Integer |
Maximum size (in bytes) of a file that is uploaded. Example usage: MaxUploadedFileLength=1048576 |
EnableAntiforgeryTokens |
Boolean |
Defines if cross-site request forgery tokens are in use in post requests. 0 = Tokens are not in use (default), 1 = Tokens are in use. Enabling the tokens may break Portal template customizations. |
UseAuthenticationToken |
Boolean |
Defines whether to use an authentication token instead of the session id as the value for the XSESSION parameter, when Common QPR Authentication is used. 0 = Authentication token not in use, and session id is used as the value for the XSESSION parameter, 1 = Authentication token is used (default). |
[SCP Reports] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
WebReportPath |
String |
Path where the published reports are stored. |
WebReportURL |
String |
URL where the published reports are found. |
ReportCommands |
Integer |
The amount of report commands |
ReportCommand<0...N> |
String |
Report command's name |
ReportCommandValue<0...N> |
String |
Report command's value. |
FileExtension |
String |
File extension for the report files. |
WebReportCGI |
String |
Path for an external report viewing application. |
UseCGI |
Integer |
Defines whether an external report application is used. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
RemoveExtraFiles |
Integer |
Defines whether extra files are removed from the web file publishing directory at startup. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
[UMS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerName |
String |
Hostname or the IP address of the QPR Foundation Server. |
ServerPort |
Integer |
Socket port of the QPR Foundation Server. |
Password |
String |
QPR User Management System's password (encrypted). |
UseEncryption |
Integer |
Defines whether encryption is used in communication between the QPR Foundation Server and the ser Management Client as well as between the QPR Foundation Server and other QPR server components. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
[SCS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerName |
String |
Hostname or the IP address of the QPR Metrics Server. |
ServerPort |
Integer |
Socket port of the QPR Metrics Server. |
UseEncryption |
Integer |
Defines whether encrypted communication is used. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
[PGS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerName |
String |
Hostname or the IP address of the QPR BizArchitecture Server. |
ServerPort |
Integer |
Socket port of the QPR BizArchitecture Server. |
UseEncryption |
Integer |
Defines whether encrypted communication is used. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
[WAS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerName |
String |
Hostname or the IP address of the QPR WAS. |
ServerPort |
Integer |
Socket port of the QPR WAS. |
[WS Communication] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerName |
String |
Hostname or the IP address of the QPR Web Service Server. |
ServerPort |
Integer |
Socket port of the QPR Web Service Server. |
[QPR Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DefaultLanguage |
Integer |
Default language used by all QPR products. |
DefaultSubLanguage |
Integer |
Default sublanguage used by all QPR products. Used for distinguishing between e.g. Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified, which both have the same DefaultLanguage entry. |
QueryResultExpirationTime |
Integer |
Defines the time (in minutes) for how long views with lots of list information (such as Analysis views and actions fields with lots of result rows) are cached. Updated information is guaranteed to appear in QPR Portal only after the time defined in this key has passed after the update. Note that lowering the caching time reduces performance. Setting this to 0 (default) disables the caching of query results. |
QueryExpirationCheckInterval |
Integer |
Defines the maximum interval (in minutes) between checking whether there are query results which have expired as a result of reaching the time defined in QueryResultExpirationTime. If such results are found, they are dropped from the memory. The default value is 5. |
CacheFolder |
String |
Defines the folder in which cache files created by QPR server components are stored. |
EnableIPv6 |
Integer |
Defines whether Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is used for opening a connection to the server. 0 = IPv6 is not enabled and IPv4 is used to open the connection (the default value), 1 = IPv6 is enabled and the client tries to open the connection to the server with IPv6. |
[WAS Blob Cache] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
OnDisk |
Integer |
Defines whether embedded attachments exceeding the size defined in the Threshold setting are stored in disk instead of memory. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
Threshold |
Integer |
The maximum size for embedded attachments (in kilobytes) that are stored in the memory. If the size is exceeded, the attachments are stored in hard disk. |
[QPR Service] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServiceInstalled |
Integer |
Defines whether service is installed. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
WSServiceInstalled |
Integer |
Defines whether web services service is installed. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
StartupTime |
Integer |
The maximum number of seconds to wait for startup (control semaphore) before terminating the server process. |
StatusCheckInterval |
Integer |
Number of seconds to wait between successive server responsivity checks. |
ResponseTimeoutInterval |
Integer |
Number of seconds to wait for server process to respond to the control message. |
ServerKillTimeout |
Integer |
Number of seconds to wait for the server process to shut down (when the service is being shut down) before terminating the process (if EnableForceKill=1). |
EnableForceKill |
Integer |
Determines whether the server process can be terminated by force if it does not shut down in ServerKillTimeout seconds after the shutdown message has been sent (0 = false, 1 = true). |
ApplicationTitle |
String |
Defines the name that is displayed for the application in the service list. |
MaximumNumberOfStarts |
Integer |
Defines how many times the service tries to start in case of critical error at startup. |
ExternalName |
String |
Name of the service used in dialogs and other user interface objects. Do not modify this value unless instructed to. |
InternalName |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value unless instructed to. |
InternalBaseName |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value unless instructed to. |
[UMS Service, PGS Service, SCS Service, WAS Service, and WS Service] Sections
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Enabled |
Integer |
Defines whether service is enabled. 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
ShutDownSemaphore |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value. |
ShutDownMessage |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value. |
ControlSemaphore |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value. |
ControlMessage |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value. |
CloseMessage |
String |
Used for controlling the service. Do not modify this value. |
[PGS Service] Section
See UMS Service
[SCS Service] Section
See UMS Service
[WAS Service] Section
See UMS Service
[WS Service] Section
See UMS Service
[QPR Log] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Folder |
String |
Defines the folder where all the server logs are stored. |
AuditFolder |
String |
Defines the folder where all the server audit logs are stored. |
[QPR E-Mail] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ReplyAddress |
String |
E-mail address that will be used as the reply address in e-mail notifications. |
AdminAddress |
String |
Administrator's e-mail address. This address will receive alerts and notifications about server functionality. |
SMTPServer |
String |
Name of the SMTP server used for sending the e-mail notifications. |
SMTPServerPort |
Integer |
The SMTP server port number used for sending the e-mail notifications. The default port number is 25. |
SMTPLogin |
String |
Login name for the SMTP server. Used in the case SMTPAuthentication is 1. |
SMTPPassword |
String |
Password for the SMTP server in an encrypted format. Used in the case SMTPAuthentication is 1. |
SMTPAuthentication |
Integer |
Defines whether SMTP server authentication is used. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
EMailAlertsEnabled |
Integer |
Defines whether e-mail alerts are enabled. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
AlertCategories |
Integer |
Defines what kinds of events are alerted by e-mail. 1 = System notifications, 2 = Critical errors, 3 = both. |
UseCommonReplyAddressForPortalNotifications |
Integer |
Defines whether the ReplyAddress defined above is used also in e-mail notifications sent in relation to QPR Portal actions and briefing booklets. 0 = Individual user e-mail addresses are used as the sender address; 1 = The common reply address is used as the sender address. |
UseEncryptedConnection |
Integer |
Defines whether TLS 1.2 encryption is used when sending email alerts and notifications. 0 = Encryption is not used; 1 = Encryption is used. |
[UMS Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
MaximumNumberOfClients |
Integer |
Used internally by UMS. Do not modify. |
AuthenticationMethod |
Integer |
QPR Foundation Server's authentication method. 1 = QPR, 2 = NT, 4 = LDAP, or any combination of the values above. For example QPR + NT = 3 |
AllowProfileChangesForViewers |
Integer |
Defines whether Portal viewer users can change their profile information (e-mail, password, language) in QPR Portal. 0 = no (default), 1 = yes. |
UserGroupManagementMethod |
Integer |
Defines the user group management method. 1 = Synchronized with NT/LDAP, 0 = UMS only |
DefaultUserGroup |
String |
Name of a valid user group in UMS. This group is used as a default group in NT/LDAP syncronization. For more information, refer to the NT & LDAP Authentication chapter. |
UserGroupManagementWithSSO |
Integer |
Defines whether users authenticated via Generic Single Sign-On are added to the default user group in UMS or not. 0 = users are not added (default), 1 = users are added. See also Using Single Sign-On with QPR Products. |
PreviousAlertMsg |
String |
Used internally by UMS. Do not modify. |
AlertCount |
Integer |
Used internally by QPR Foundation Server. Do not modify. |
ExternalObjectCacheExpirationTime |
Integer |
Defines how long user rights for PG and SC model elements are cached for faster opening of action lists under the Actions tab in QPR Portal. Note that changes done to user rights within the expiration time are not applied to QPR Portal until the cache expiration time is reached. The default value is 900 (seconds, i.e. 15 minutes). |
PortalAutoLogin |
Integer |
Defines whether login information is stored to cookies to enable automatic relogin to QPR Portal. 0 = autologin enabled and option at login view selected by default, 1 = autologin enabled, 2 = autologin disabled. |
LimitedUserVisibilityInPortal |
Integer |
This setting affects the users shown in the User Selection dialog in QPR Portal. In the case this is enabled, users without administrative rights to QPR User Management System see only those users who belong to at least one group the user him/herself also belongs to. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. |
EnableActionChangeLog |
Integer |
Defines whether the change log is enabled for QPR Portal actions. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. Enabling or disabling the change log for specific action types is done in actiontypes.ini. |
EnableSSOForPortal |
Integer |
Defines whether Single Sign On is enabled for QPR Portal. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
UpdateUserInfoAtUserSynchronization |
Integer |
Defines whether user information in QPR UMS is updated when a user logs in with an NT or LDAP account. When using LDAP and this setting is enabled, the information is updated also during the next synchronization if the user information has changed on LDAP. The following information is updated in the case this setting is enabled: •Full name •E-mail (LDAP only) •Telephone number (LDAP only) •Description
0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. |
SynchronizationMethod |
Integer |
Defines how UMS synchronizes users and groups with LDAP. 0 = no synchronization (default), 1 = users in groups found in both LDAP and UMS are synchronized with a schedule defined in SynchronizationScheduleStartDate and SyncronizationSchedulerInterval keys, 2 = users in groups found in both LDAP and UMS are synchronized similarly as with SyncronizationMethod=1, but obsolete users (i.e. users not found in LDAP anymore) are moved to a group defined by SynchronizationDeletedUsersGroup setting, and in the case the group is not defined, those users are deleted, 3 = users in groups found in both LDAP and UMS are synchronized similarly as with SyncronizationMethod=1, but obsolete users that are re-added in LDAP are moved from the group defined by SynchronizationDeletedUsersGroup setting to a normal group.
WARNING: In the case synchronization is used, changing groups in LDAP may result in users and related data (actions, element owners) being removed from QPR UMS. |
SynchronizationScheduleStartDate |
Datetime (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm) |
Defines the initial start time of group synchronization which takes place if SynchronizationMethod=1 or SynchronizationMethod=2. |
SynchronizationScheduleInterval |
String (dd:hh:mm) |
Defines the interval between group synchronization operations starting from the time defined in SynchronizationScheduleStartDate. The correct format for this setting is a colon-separated list of days, hours and minutes. For example, if SynchronizationScheduleStartDate=2008-15-01 01:15 and SynchronizationScheduleInterval=01:00:00, the first synchronization takes place on 2008-15-01 01:15 and subsequent synchronizations are done every day at 01:15. |
SynchronizationExcludedGroups |
String |
A comma-separated list of groups which are excluded from synchronization which takes place if SynchronizationMethod=1 or SynchronizationMethod=2. In the case a user belongs to any of the groups listed in this setting, the synchronization does not affect that user. Note that the group name must be contained in double quotes in the case the name contains spaces. |
SynchronizationDeletedUsersGroup |
String |
Name of the group where users not found in LDAP are moved during synchronization (occurs if SynchronizationMethod=2). If this is empty, the affected users are deleted from QPR UMS. By default this is "#Deleted users#". |
EnableClientAuthenticationUsingAccessToken |
Integer |
Defines whether QPR Client application can be opened from QPR Portal for the current QPR Portal user. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. |
HideUsersFromOtherOrganizations |
Integer |
Defines whether others than system admin users are prevented from seeing users from different organizations (having a different value in their Organization field) in user selection views in QPR Portal and QPR Client applications. 0 = Hiding of users is disabled (default), 1 = Hiding of users is enabled. |
[UMS Log, PGS Log, PGP Log, SCS Log, SCP Log, WAS Log, WS Log, and Portal Log] Sections
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Threshold |
Integer |
Defines the log trace mode. 255 = normal trace mode, 6577 = full trace mode. |
MaxSize |
Integer |
The maximum size of the log file in kilobytes. After the maximum size is searched, the old entries are overwritten starting from the oldest entry. |
Enabled |
Integer |
Defines whether logging is on. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
ThreadPriority |
Integer |
Defines the thread priority for the log writing process. If you wish to fine-tune your Web Application Server performance, you can modify this value. Valid values are 0-6, 0 being normal and 6 is the highest value. |
AuditTrailTrace |
Integer |
This option can be used only in the SCS Log section. Defines whether audit logging is enabled. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
PerformanceLog |
Integer |
Defines whether a log file about the server's performance is maintained. This option can be used only in the UMS Log, the PGS Log, the SCS Log, and the WAS Log (even though the field is available in the other log sections too). The possible values are: 0 = no performance logging, 1 = performance logging enabled, ending of client operations are logged, and 2 = performance logging enabled, starting and ending of client operations are logged. The performance logs are stored under the Logs folder with the following file names depending on for which servers the logging is enabled: WASPerfLog.txt,BizArchServerPerformanceLog.txt, MetricsServerPerformanceLog.txt, and FoundationServerPerformanceLog.txt.
The logs write also information about the duration of the operation. There are labels for different timeframes to make monitoring of log files easier. The labels are as follows:
TIME_0T = the execution time was 0 ms TIME_1T = the execution time was 1-9 ms TIME_10T = the execution time was 10-99 ms TIME_100T = the execution time was 100-999 ms TIME_1000T = the execution time was 1.000-9.999 ms TIME_10000T = the execution time was 10.000-99.999 ms TIME_100000T = the execution time was 100.000-999.999 ms TIME_1000000T = the execution time was 1.000.000-9.999.999 ms (about 20 minutes - 3 hours) TIME_10000000T = the execution time was 10.000.000-99.999.999 ms (about 3 -30 hours) TIME_100000000T = the execution time was 100.000.000-999.999.999 ms (about more than 30 hours) TIME_NA= execution time could not be determined, error occurred or time was greater than 999.999.999 ms. |
UserRightAuditTrailTrace |
Integer |
This option can be used in the SCS Log, WAS Log, PGS Log, and UMS Log sections (even though the field is available in the other log sections too). Defines whether server user audit logging is enabled for each server separately. 0 = logging is disabled, 1 = basic logging is enabled, 2 = full logging is enabled (the full logging option is available only for UMS Log section). |
DeadlockLog |
Integer |
This option can be used in the UMS Log section. Defines whether browsing the Analysis and Navigator views in QPR Portal causes certain action transaction related entries to be written into the log when full trace logging has been enabled. 0 = action transaction related entries are not written (default), 1 = action transaction related entries are written. |
DebugLogAllWSCalls |
Integer |
This option can be used in the WS Log section. Defines whether all function calls to QPR Web Service Foundation with their parameter values are logged, when full trace logging has been enabled. Useful for troubleshooting purposes, but may cause WSLog.txt to fill up quickly. 0 = No additional debug logging (default), 1 = All function calls to QPR Web Service Foundation with their parameter values are logged to WSLog.txt |
[UMS LDAP] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ServerAddress |
String |
Address of the LDAP server. |
SearchBase |
String |
The distinguished name of the entry under which the search is performed on. If left blank, the search starts from the top entry. |
UserName |
String |
The distinguished name of the person entry used if the LDAP component logs in to the LDAP server with a username/password combination. If left blank, an anonymous login is used. |
Password |
String |
The userPassword attribute of the person entry used if the LDAP component logs in to the LDAP server with a username/password combination. Leave this blank if an anonymous login is used. The user password is stored encrypted. |
AlwaysUseSecureConnection |
Integer |
If this is 0, then an insecure connection is used between the LDAP component and LDAP server for all other functions than Authenticate. |
AuthenticateViaSecureConnection |
Integer |
If both this and AlwaysUseSecureConnection are 0, then Authentication is done with insecure connection. If AlwaysUseSecureConnection is 1, then this setting has no effect (i.e. then it automatically defaults to 1). |
ActiveSettingGroup |
Integer |
Identification of the currently active setting group. Each setting group contains technical settings to be adjusted to the LDAP directory used. |
AllowConcurrentCalls |
Integer |
This setting defines whether LDAP calls can be performed concurrently instead of being serialized. 0 = serialized calls, 1 = concurrent calls. In the case this key is missing, 0 is used as a default value. |
[UMS LDAP Setting Groups] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
<1...N> |
String |
Name of the settings group, numbered in a consecutive order. The settings of the setting groups can be defined in [UMS LDAP <MyNewSetting>] sections similarly as in [UMS LDAP Standard] and [UMS LDAP Active Directory] sections. |
[UMS LDAP Standard] and [UMS LDAP Active Directory] Sections
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DistinguishedNameAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the DN of the entry. |
CommonNameAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the full user name of the entry. When importing users, this is mapped as the user name of the user. |
EmailAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the email address of the entry. When importing users, this is mapped as the email address of the user. |
MemberAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry. This attribute identifies one group member. An entry having this attribute represents some kind of group. The entry has one (MemberAttribute, DN of the member) pair for each of its members. |
DescriptionAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the description of the entry. When importing users, this is mapped as the description of the user. |
PersonFullNameAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the full name of the user. If the value is not defined explicitly, the default value is used, i.e. the value set to CommonNameAttribute. If the value is defined, it overrides the default value. |
OrganizationAttribute |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the organization of the user. The default value is "Company". |
UIDAttributeName |
String |
Attribute name of an LDAP directory entry, which identifies the user id (login name) of the entry. It is mapped as such when importing users. |
UseADGlobalCatalog |
Integer |
Defines whether Global Catalog searching for Active Directory objects in any domain in the forest is enabled. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled (default). |
FilterForSearchingGroups |
String |
Groups are retrieved from the LDAP directory using this search filter. |
FilterForSearchingPersons |
String |
Users are retrieved from the LDAP directory using this search filter. |
GroupSearchBase |
String |
The distinguished name of the entry under which the search is performed on. Used when searching for groups in LDAP. If set to <Default>, the value in SearchBase is used. |
[WAS Messages] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
HTMLErrorTemplate |
String |
Template for a WAS error message. |
HTMLCannotReadRequest |
String |
Template for WAS error message shown when a request cannot be read. |
HTMLCannotProcessRequest |
String |
Template for WAS error message shown when a request cannot be processed. |
HTMLTooManyConnections |
String |
Template for WAS error message shown if there are too many connections to WAS open at the moment. |
HTMLStartupNotComplete |
String |
Template for WAS error message shown if the startup process has not been completed yet. |
[SCS Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
IWAEnable |
Integer |
Defines whether Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled for QPR Metrics client. 0 = false, 1 = true. |
MaxMemoryUsage |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that QPR Metrics Server is allowed to use before non-critical caches are cleared. Setting this to 0 disables the limit. Setting this to a too low value may lead into Metrics server continuously trying to release more memory than is possible, potentially causing performance issues. |
SchedulerEnable |
Integer |
Defines whether scheduled integration tasks are enabled. 0 = scheduled integration tasks are disabled, 1 = scheduled integration tasks are enabled (default). |
ReleaseLocksInterval |
Integer |
Defines the interval, in minutes, for checking and releasing invalid locks in QPR Metrics models. Default value is 0 = scheduled checking and releasing is not done. |
PreventMeasurementSettingsChangesFromNonAdmins |
Integer |
Defines whether user rights to Metrics are overridden so that modifying measurement settings of any Metrics elements is prevented from any users having less than Administrate level rights. 0 = No special prevention, normal user rights apply (default). 1 = Prevent changing the Measurement Unit. 2 = Prevent changing the Value settings. 3 = Prevent changing the Value settings and Measurement Unit. 4 = Prevent changing the Period Level. 5 = Prevent changing the Period Level and Measurement Unit. 6 = Prevent changing the Period Level and Value settings. 7 = Prevent changing the Period Level, Value settings and Measurement Unit. 8 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule. 9 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule and Measurement Unit. 10 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule and Value Settings. 11 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule, Value Settings and Measurement Unit. 12 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule and Period Level. 13 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule, Period Level and Measurement Unit. 14 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule, Period Level and Value Setting. 15 = Prevent changing the Periodic Accumulation Rule, Period Level, Value Settings and Measurement Unit. |
[SCS Reports] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
MaintainHierarchies |
Integer |
Enabling this property will accelerate report generating, but it will also slow QPR Metrics Server down a little bit. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
MaintainHierarchiesRecent |
Integer |
Enabling this property will accelerate report generating, but it will also slow QPR Metrics Server down a little bit. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
[SCS Thread Priorities] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ClientManagerThreadPriority |
Integer |
Thread priority of the Client Manager for Windows. |
DBManagerThreadPriority |
Integer |
Thread priority of the Database Manager for Windows. |
SchedulerThreadPriority |
Integer |
Thread priority of the Scheduler for Windows. |
SocketAcceptThreadPriority |
Integer |
Thread priority of the Socket Accept for Windows. |
[SCS Intermodel References] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
RefreshStartDate |
String |
Starting date for refreshing intermodel references. Accepted date format is "<d>.<m>.<yyyy>", where <d> is day, <m> month, and <yyyy> year with four digits. |
RefreshStartTime |
String |
Starting time for refreshing intermodel references. Accepted time format is "<hh>:<mm>:<ss>", where <hh> is hours with two digits, <mm> minutes with two digits, and <ss> seconds with two digits. |
RefreshInterval |
Integer |
Determines the refreshing interval in the precision of 5 minutes. The length (in minutes) of the actual interval can be calculated using the following formula: Refresh interval * 5. |
RemoveUnusedReplicaSchemaObjectsRegularly |
Integer |
Defines whether unused replica model objects are scanned and removed regularly. Unused replica model objects are for instance replica element's value settings, which have been duplicated to the target model with earlier versions of QPR ScoreCard but which are unused now. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. |
[SCS Remote Model Export] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
RepeatAttempts |
Integer |
Controls remote model updating. 0 = disable updating remote model. 1 = enable updating remote model. |
RepeatInterval |
Integer |
Determines how often model will be updated. The value is in seconds. |
RepeatTime |
Integer |
Determines for how long the QPR Metrics Server will try to update model. The value is in minutes. |
[SCS Value in Range] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Title |
String |
Title of the e-mail notification sent when a value enters a certain range in QPR Metrics. |
Text |
String |
Notification text. In the case you need to add linefeeds, use the <NL> tag. |
[SCS Value Missing] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Title |
String |
Title of the e-mail notification about a value missing in QPR Metrics. |
Text |
String |
Notification text. In the case you need to add linefeeds, use the <NL> tag. |
[SCS Value Changed] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Title |
String |
Title of the e-mail notification sent when a certain value is changed in QPR Metrics. |
Text |
String |
Notification text. In the case you need to add linefeeds, use the <NL> tag. |
[SCS Calculation] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
CalculationEnabledByDefault |
Integer |
Defines whether calculation is enabled for models by default. In the case calculation is disabled, values can still be input, but formulas are not calculated automatically. 0 = no, 1 = yes (default). |
CalculationEnabledFor |
String |
A comma-separated list of names or IDs of models for which calculation should be enabled in the case calculation is disabled by default. Model names in the list must be in double quotes, and in the case any model name contains double quotes, the quotes inside the name must be preceded by another double quotes. It is also advisable to put the whole list inside double quotes to ensure that the quotes are parsed properly. |
CalculationDisabledFor |
String |
A comma-separated list of names or IDs of models for which calculation should be disabled in the case calculation is enabled by default. Model names in the list must be in double quotes, and in the case any model name contains double quotes, the quotes inside the name must be preceded by another double quotes. It is also advisable to put the whole list inside double quotes to ensure that the quotes are parsed properly. |
CalculatorThreads |
Integer |
Defines how many threads are used for QPR Metrics model calculation. If this value is changed, calculations which are not dependent on the results of other calculations are done in parallel in the defined amount of threads. The default value is 0, and in this case computers with a single processor use one thread for the calculation and computers with multiple processors use two threads. In the case there are less than 100 values to calculate, only one thread is used regardless of this setting. |
ModelRecalculationPeriodChunkSize |
Integer |
Defines how many values (every single value under every period and series in a measure counts as a separate value) are included in one calculation transaction during model recalculation. The default value is 1200000, and reducing this value consumes less memory during recalculation, but makes the calculation slower and vice versa. Note that modifying this value is usually unnecessary unless models are extensively large. |
ThresholdForFullModelRecalculation |
Integer |
Defines a threshold for triggering full model recalculation. The threshold is the amount of invalidated measure values after which instant invalidation of measure values is stopped and full model recalculation is automatically done after the operation which caused the measure value invalidation is completed. This option can be used to address situations where the amount of invalidated measure values causes memory consumption issues on the server. By default this is 0, which makes the option to use the value of the ModelRecalculationPeriodChunkSize key as the threshold. |
TimeDependentFormulaRecalculationMode |
Integer |
Defines the way QPR Metrics Server recalculates time dependent formulas (i.e. formulas whose value depends on the current time, for example formulas that use the Date function) in models. Possible values are: 0 = Time dependent formulas are never calculated automatically, 1 = Time dependent formulas are calculated automatically only when the date is changed, 2 = Time dependent formulas are calculated automatically when the date changes and when QPR Metrics Server loads the model into memory during server startup (default). |
[SCS Scheduler] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DeletedObjectsTimeout |
Integer |
The amount of seconds after which deleted objects are finally removed from the server. This should always be several minutes to avoid errors. |
[PGS Model] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DaysInCache |
Integer |
Defines the amount of days unused models are stored in cache memory before they are removed. |
OnDisk |
Integer |
Defines whether embedded information items exceeding the size defined in the Threshold setting are cached on disk (1, true) or on memory (0, false). 1 = true, 0 = false. |
Threshold |
Integer |
The maximum size for embedded information items (in kilobytes) that are stored in the memory. If the size is exceeded, the attachments are stored in hard disk. |
MaxMemoryUsage |
Integer |
Maximum memory usage in megabytes. Note that this value can be exceeded temporarily. Setting this to 0 disables the limit. |
ClearDiskCacheAtStartup |
Integer |
Defines whether model cache on disk is cleared at startup. In the case this is 0 (false), old cached files are utilized in the case their contents are up to date, thus resulting in a faster startup. 0 = false (default), 1 = true. |
LoadModelsAtStartup |
Integer |
Defines how models are loaded into the QPR Web Application Server at startup.
0 = Base models and published models that do not have an existing cache file are loaded from database and written to cache. After this models are dropped from the memory.
1 = Base models and published models that do not have an existing cache file are loaded from database and written to cache. Models are dropped from the memory in the case the memory limit is exceeded.
2 = Base models that do not have an existing cache file are loaded from database and written to cache.
3 = No models are loaded from the database. |
[PGS Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
AuditTrailTrace |
Integer |
Defines whether audit logging is enabled. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
IWAEnable |
Integer |
Defines whether Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is enabled for QPR Modeling Client. 0 = false, 1 = true. |
PortalUpdateMethod |
Integer |
Defines the update method between QPR BizArchitecture Server and QPR Portal. 0 = Immediate, 1 = Scheduled. Default value is 0. If scheduling is used, PortalUpdateScheduleInterval must be defined. Scheduling applies to the following model operations: Save (not Save As), Replace, Rename, and Move (to another folder). However, in the case a new published model is created, models in Portal are updated at the moment the new model is saved. This setting can be used for example to schedule model update operations to occur outside the peak hours in environments with large models. |
PortalUpdateScheduleStartDate |
Datetime (dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss) |
Defines the initial start time of the updating between QPR BizArchitecture Server and QPR Portal if PortalUpdateMethod = 1. If PortalUpdateScheduleStartDate is not defined, the server start date/time is used. |
PortalUpdateScheduleInterval |
String (dd:hh:mm) |
Defines the interval between the updating of QPR BizArchitecture Server and QPR Portal starting from the time defined in PortalUpdateScheduleStartDate. Only one interval is supported. The correct format for this setting is a colon-separated list of days, hours and minutes. For example, if PortalUpdateScheduleStartDate = 12.12.2008 01:30:00 and PortalUpdateScheduleInterval = 01:00:00, the first update takes place on 12.12.2008 01:30 and subsequent updates are done every day at 01:30. |
DefaultRootFolderRights |
Integer |
The default folder rights for the root folder for groups and users that have no explicitly set folder rights. 0 = No rights, 1 = View only, 2 = Modify, 3 = Folder Administrator. Default value is 2. |
[PGP Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ModelsInMemory |
String |
A comma-separated list of model IDs of models that are loaded to memory when QPR Web Application Server is started. The list is maintained by QPR Web Application Server and contains the models that were in memory when QPR Web Application Server was last shut down. |
LoadModelsToMemory |
String |
A comma-separated list of model IDs of models that are loaded to memory when QPR Web Application Server is started. This setting is maintained only manually, and if the value is empty or missing, the list is considered to be empty. |
LoadAllModelsAtStartup |
Integer |
Defines whether all models are loaded into memory when QPR Web Application Server is started as well as right after the model has changed. With different options this setting either overrides or utilizes the ModelsInMemory and LoadModelsToMemory keys. The options are as follows: 0 = No models are read into memory at startup. 1 = All models are read into memory at startup. 2 = Models listed in the ModelsInMemory key are read into memory at startup, 3= Models listed in the LoadModelsToMemory key are read into memory, 4 = Models listed in ModelsInMemory AND LoadModelsToMemory key are read into memory at startup. For standalone installation the default value is 1, but for other installations the default value is 4. |
LoadModelsFromCacheFiles |
Integer |
Defines whether models in file cache are used during QPR Web Application Server startup in the case the model exists in cache and it is up to date. If the model is not cached or it is not up to date, the model is read from the QPR BizArchitecture Server. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
HorizontalAttributeList |
Integer |
Defines whether custom attribute types are displayed in the diagram as a horizontal attribute list. This setting is useful for flow charts created in QPR 7.5 since the visualization mode has changed to vertical after that. 1 = show horizontal attribute list, 0 = show vertical attribute list (default). Note that in contrast to the similarly named key in [PGC Settings] section, this is a global key affecting all users of the corresponding instance of QPR Web Application Server, and therefore this should reside in QPR_Servers.ini located in the C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Servers\Settings\<possible instance folder> folder. |
NoInfoIconForDefaultInfoItem |
Integer |
Defines whether the information item icon is shown in the middle of an information flow, when only one information item is linked to the flow. 0 = icon is shown (default), 1 = icon is not shown. |
[WAS PG Publishing] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
DaysInRecentList |
Integer |
The maximum number of days for which an event is displayed in the "What's New" page in QPR Portal |
DefaultZoomSize |
String |
Default zoom size used for diagrams. The value should be included also in the ZoomSizes entry. |
ElementTypes |
Binary |
Binary entry that is used to save element type specific web publishing options. |
FlowchartPictureGeneration |
Integer |
Tells when the diagram images are generated (0 = on model load, 1 = when diagram is needed for the first time). |
FlowchartPictureStorage |
Integer |
The storage place of diagram images (0 = memory, 1 = hard disk) |
FooterItemCount |
Integer |
Number of footer items added into generated diagram pictures. |
GraphicsLocation |
String |
The location of the web contents when HTML export is used from ProcessGuide. |
HeaderItemCount |
Integer |
Number of header items added into generated diagram pictures. |
MaxFCSize |
Integer |
Defines the maximum size of diagrams in pixels. Default value is 500000. If the value is 0, the maximum size will not be used. If the maximum size is exceeded, the diagram will be zoomed to the defined maximum size. Note that this setting has an effect on the image size in QPR Portal Process Maps view printing. |
MinRecentEntries |
Integer |
Minimum amount of entries to show at the "What's New" page in QPR Portal. |
MaxRecentEntries |
Integer |
Maximum amount of entries to show at the "What's New" page in QPR Portal. |
MeasureHotSpot |
Integer |
Show measure value hot spot (0 = no, 1 = yes) |
ModelElements |
Binary |
Binary entry that tells what model element information is shown in details window. See discussion below. |
OldModelUsage |
Integer |
Allow the usage of old model version when loading the new version. (0 = no, 1 = yes) |
ShowHierarchy |
Integer |
The hierarchies shown in navigator. Bit 5: diagram hierarchy, bit 4: Organization hierarchy, bit 3: notes hierarchy, bit 2: resource groups hierarchy, bit 1: resource pools hierarchy, bit 0: information hierarchy |
ShowFlowchartLinkInDetailsLinks |
Integer |
Show link to diagram after every diagram object shown in any detail view (0 = no, 1 = yes). |
ShowTransferTypeIcons |
Integer |
Show transfer type icons in the diagram (0 = no, 1 = yes). |
Version |
String |
Version of the PG whose initialization file specifications this file uses. |
ViewTemplateDirectory |
String |
The directory from which the layouts are fetched |
WebPageNameAttribute |
String |
The name of the custom attribute that will be used as filename for generated HTML export pages and name of the view in dynamic web publishing. If WebPageNameAttribute=Name, then object's name will be used. |
ZoomSizes |
String |
List of comma separated zoom sizes shown in the published web pages (numbers should be between 10 and 200). |
[SCP Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
Cache |
Integer |
Defines whether browser cache is in use. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
MinRecent |
Integer |
Minimum amount of entries to show in the What's New page in Portal. |
MaxRecent |
Integer |
Maximum amount of entries to show in the What's New page in Portal. |
RecentDays |
Integer |
The maximum amount of days included in the What's New page listing. |
EnableGraphicalViews |
Integer |
Defines whether graphical Scorecard views are enabled. 0 = no, 1 = yes. The element graph layout of the element view is also hidden when this is set to 0. |
RemoveGeneratedGraphicsFiles |
Integer |
Defines whether old *.svg files are removed at startup. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
GraphicalViewer |
Integer |
Defines which technology is used for graphical views. 0 = SVG (default) 3, 3 = Microsoft Silverlight. |
UseBufferedValueInput |
Integer |
Defines whether value input is allowed when the model is reserved e.g. for recalculation. In the case buffered input is allowed, values can be input when the model is reserved, but the new values are stored in a temporary buffer and applied to the model once the reservation is freed. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. |
WaitForValueUpdate |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of seconds to wait for a buffered value update to finish in QPR Portal. Default is 6 seconds. |
UseBitmapTextInGraphicalViews |
Integer |
Defines whether SVG/Silverlight views display text as bitmap graphics instead of using text capabilities of SVG and Silverlight. This setting is useful e.g. in situations where some language-specific features such as joining characters based on their context doesn't work properly. 0 = disabled (default), 1 = enabled. Note that if this setting is enabled, charts in Element Views are always drawn as PNG images. |
ScorecardHierarchyMode |
Integer |
Defines which scorecards are hidden in the scorecard hierarchy view in QPR Portal when a user doesn't have enough rights. 0 = No scorecards are hidden (default), 1 = Scorecards for which the user has no rights are hidden from the hierarchy, after which the hierarchy is flattened, 2 = If a scorecard for which the user has no rights doesn't have any child scorecards or the user doesn't have rights for all of its children, that scorecard and its children are hidden from the hierarchy. All other scorecards are visible, even if the user had no rights for them, 3 = Scorecards for which the user has no rights and all its children are hidden from the hierarchy, no matter if the user had rights for some of the children, 4 = Scorecards for which the user has no rights are hidden from the hierarchy and their children are attached under the deepest prevailing parent. If a user has no rights for the parents, the children are moved to the top level. |
ScorecardNameMode |
Integer |
Defines how those scorecards for which the user has no rights but still remain visible in the scorecard hierarchy in QPR Portal after ScorecardHierarchyMode is applied are handled. 0 = The names of the scorecards for which the user has no rights are shown, but the links are not clickable (default), 1 = The names of the scorecards for which the user has no rights are not shown. Instead, their names are displayed as "Access Denied". |
EnableHyperlinksForTextValues |
Integer |
Defines whether hyperlinks are created automatically in QPR Portal from URLs entered as text type measure values. 0 = Hyperlinks are not created automatically (default), 1 = Hyperlinks are created automatically. |
RetainViewSettings |
Integer |
Defines whether the selected view settings name is stored when browsing in QPR Portal. When the name is stored and a new dashboard/hierarchy view is opened, a check is made if view settings with the same name as the stored one exists in the opened view. If they exist, then those view settings are selected, otherwise the default view settings are used. 0 = View settings name is not stored (default), 1 = View settings name is stored. |
EnableLanguageSpecificContent |
Boolean |
Defines whether multilingual modeling is in use in QPR Metrics content in QPR Portal. 0 = multilingual modeling is not in use (default), 1 = multilingual content is in use. |
[Portal Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
PwdChanging |
Integer |
Allow password changing in Portal. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
UseDefaultHomeView |
Integer |
Defines whether the default home view is used. 0 = custom, 1 = default. |
CustomHomeURL |
String |
Defines the URL of the custom home view if the default view is not used. |
AllowUsersToChangeHomeView |
Integer |
Allow users to customize the view shown in my contents/home. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
DefaultView |
String |
The tab that is selected by default when logging into the Portal. |
AllowUsersToChangeDefaultTab |
Integer |
Allow users to customize the default tab selected when user logs into the QPR Portal. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
AllowUsersToChangeDefaultPages |
Integer |
Allow user to customize the default views opened when some tab has been selected. |
CustomCategoryLabelText |
String |
If not empty, determines the text used as label for category attributes in actions. |
ShowViewTitles |
Integer |
Defines whether the Portal windows display the view titles (e.g. Add Action) in the browser window's title bar. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
PublicBookmarkPositioning |
Integer |
Defines whether public bookmarks are shown after or before the user's own bookmarks. 0 = own - public, 1 = public - own. |
DefaultActionType |
String |
Defines the default type of action. The default type is the type that is initially selected in the action editor when creating a new action. |
DefaultPublishTo |
String |
Defines the default option that is selected in the "Publish to" section when creating a new action. Possible values are: Users of linked elements, Me only, Everyone, and Selected users. |
DefaultNotifyViaEmail |
Integer |
Defines whether the "Notify via e-mail" option is checked by default in the action editor. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
DefaultAttachmentType |
Integer |
Defines the default type of attachments in the attachment editor. 0 = linked attachments, 1 = embedded attachments. |
EnableBookmarksForViewUsers |
Integer |
Defines whether users with view rights only can create bookmarks in QPR Portal. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. |
MaxExportToOfficeSlideCount |
Integer |
Defines the maximum amount of slides that can be added in PowerPoint Export. 0 = disabled (i.e. there is no maximum limit set). Default value is 800. |
MaxSearchResultCount |
Integer |
Defines the maximum number of Portal search results. Default value is 100. |
[WS Settings] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
SearchServerLocation |
String |
URL of the MS SharePoint Site that contains QPR Search Central (a separate add-on) pages. |
AllowPasswordChanges |
Integer |
Defines whether changing passwords via the QPR Web Service is allowed. 0 = password changing isn't allowed, 1 = password changing is allowed. |
[SCS Log] Section
See UMS Log
[SCP Log] Section
See UMS Log
[PGS Log] Section
See UMS Log
[PGP Log] Section
See UMS Log
[WAS Log] Section
See UMS Log
[WS Log] Section
See UMS Log
[WAS Plugins] Section
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
ModelingPlugin |
Integer |
Defines whether the Modeling plugin is enabled, i.e. if the "Processes" tab is available in QPR Portal. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. |
MetricsPlugin |
Integer |
Defines whether the Metrics plugin is enabled, i.e. if the "Scorecards" tab is available in QPR Portal. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. |
[Portal Default Views]
Field |
Field Type |
Description |
scorecards |
String |
The default view for the Scorecards tab. |
actions |
String |
The default view for the Actions tab. |
processes |
String |
The default view for the Processes tab. |
mycontents |
String |
The default view for the My Contents tab. |