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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Managing Briefing Booklets

    Briefing Booklets

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    Briefing Booklets are small publications containing material generated by QPR Metrics and QPR Modeling Client. Additionally, they can hold free text and web pages.


    A user with sufficient rights can administer booklets in the Briefing Booklets window. The upper part of the window provides means for selecting, creating, removing and viewing booklets, while the lower part allows booklet construction and fine-tuning. Click the Create button to create a briefing booklet. This will open the Create New Briefing Booklet window for entering a name for the booklet. To remove or view a booklet, select booklet from the briefing booklets list and click the Delete or View button. To copy a booklet, select the source booklet from the briefing booklets list and click the Copy button. You will be set as the creator of the new booklet. When you want to edit a booklet, select a booklet from the briefing booklets list first. Then you can change its properties at the lower part of the window.


    Tabs in the lower half of the window are as follows:



    General booklet properties.

    Text Items

    Management of the free text items of the currently selected booklet.


    Management of the booklet pages of the currently selected booklet.


    Management of the booklet recipients of the currently selected booklet.


    Notification settings of the currently selected booklet.


    For more information on Properties tab, see Properties.

    For more information on Text Items tab, see Text Items.

    For more information on Pages tab, see Pages.

    For more information on Recipients tab, see Recipients.

    For more information on Notification tab, see Notification.