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    Customized Installation

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    To customize the silent installation, you can supply some of the public properties listed below to customize the behavior of the silent installation. The base command required in all cases is QPR2023_Clients_Setup_x86.exe /s /v"/qn (and QPR2023_Servers_Setup_x64.exe /s /v"/qn for the Servers package) followed by a selection of properties listed below. Remember also to add a closing double quote after defining the properties you want. In addition, make sure that there are no spaces in the /v"/qn part to ensure correct functionality. Note that you can also supply the properties to an normal (i.e. not silent) installation. In that case, omit the /s and /qn options from the base command. In addition, if any properties require values that need to be enclosed in double quotes, you need to escape those double quotes with a preceding backslash to avoid prematurely terminating the string supplied to the /v option. Example: QPR2023_Clients_Setup_x86.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\QPR 2023.1\""


    Note that you can define settings such as server connection strings by having them included in a pre-configured QPR_Clients.ini, QPR_Shared.ini, and QPR_Servers.ini files in the same folder as the corresponding installation package. See Appendix A in QPR Administrator's Guide for reference about which settings reside in which file. In the case any of the files exists, it is copied to the installation folder during the installation and the settings included in it are used when the actual settings file created into the "Clients\Settings", "Shared\Settings", and "Servers\Settings" folders (depending on the file) under C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\. However, the file may not get copied properly in the case the installation package is located in a network drive.


    NOTE: When using a pre-filled QPR_Shared.ini, take the template file installed to C:\ProgramData\QPR Software\QPR 2023\2023.1\Shared\Settings and customize the settings there. The product cannot be activated if information included in the template QPR_Shared.ini is not included in the customized QPR_Shared.ini.


    Properties (note that these are case sensitive, so for example ProductActivation=1 does not work):

    PRODUCTACTIVATION=1: Launches the QPR Product Activation Wizard at the end of the installation. Note that only one PRODUCTACTIVATION option can be selected for an installation, so this property cannot coexist with PRODUCTACTIVATION=2 or PRODUCTACTIVATION=3.

    PRODUCTACTIVATION=2: Activates a 14-day evaluation license (if allowed) silently at the end of the installation.

    PRODUCTACTIVATION=3: Performs a silent activation at the end of the installation provided that there's a properly filled QPR_Shared.ini present in the folder containing the QPR2023Setup.exe package. See details about the necessary settings below.

    NOIISCONFIG=1: Skips the automatic creation of Microsoft IIS virtual directories. This is useful in the case you are using some other web server software and you are having problems with the installation.

    NOSERVICE=1: Skips the QPR Service installation. The service is installed by default on server editions of Windows, so you can use this option in the case you want to install the service manually after a silent installation on for instance Windows Server 2008.

    ASKSCRIPTFOLDER=1: Requests for the script/CGI-binary folder also when Microsoft IIS is found on the computer. This can be used also in non-silent installation to provide additional control.

    ENTITLEMENTID=<product activation entitlement ID>: This option passes the entitlement ID (product activation code) that is used for product activation. The end user needs to provide the rest of required information in the QPR Product Activation utility. This option is available only in the clients package.

    SKIPSELECTIONS=1: This option causes the client component selection to be skipped in a non-silent installation. To configure the feature set, use the INSTALLLEVEL and ADDLOCAL properties similarly as in a silent installation when launching the installation. This option is available only in the clients package.

    MCCONNSTRING: Server connection string for QPR Modeling Client. This should be in the same format as used in the PGS Communication section of QPR_Clients.ini, e.g. "0,1,My Computer,localhost,default;". This option is available only in the clients package.

    MTCONNSTRING: Server connection string for QPR Metrics. This should be in the same format as used in the SCS Communication section of QPR_Clients.ini, e.g. "0,1,My Computer,localhost,default;". This option is available only in the clients package.


    Example 1: Install QPR 2023.1 silently and activate an evaluation license: QPR2023_Clients_Setup_x86.exe /s /v"/qn PRODUCTACTIVATION=2" (and QPR2023_Servers_Setup_x64.exe /s /v"/qn PRODUCTACTIVATION=2" for the Servers package)


    In the case you want to customize the selection of features installed within a silent installation similarly as you could do in the Select Features dialog in the Custom installation, you can do so by lowering the installation level below the default (100) and adding the desired features using the ADDLOCAL property. Feature names (case sensitive) in the Clients package:

    EnterpriseArchitect: QPR EnterpriseArchitect

    ProcessDesigner: QPR ProcessDesigner

    Metrics: QPR Metrics

    UserManagementClient: QPR User Management Client

    AfMO2010: QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2010. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 and VSTO runtime 4.0 which are installed during the QPR 2023.1 installation if QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2010 is selected to be installed and the .NET Framework is not found.

    AfMO2013: QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2013. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 and VSTO runtime 4.0 which are installed during the QPR 2023.1 installation if QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2013 is selected to be installed and the .NET Framework is not found.

    AfMO2016: QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2016. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 and VSTO runtime 4.0 which are installed during the QPR 2023.1 installation if QPR Add-In for Microsoft Office 2016 is selected to be installed and the .NET Framework is not found.

    EADesktopIcon: Desktop shortcut icon for QPR EnterpriseArchitect

    PDDesktopIcon: Desktop shortcut icon for QPR ProcessDesigner

    MetricsDesktopIcon: Desktop shortcut icon for QPR Metrics

    ActivationShortcut: Start menu shortcut for QPR Activation Utility


    Note: ProcessDesigner and EnterpriseArchitect cannot be installed simultaneously. If both features are requested to be installed, the installer defaults to ProcessDesigner.


    Feature names in the x64 Servers package:

    BAServer_x64: QPR BizArchitecture Server

    MetricsServer_x64: QPR Metrics Server

    FoundationServer_x64: QPR Foundation Server

    WASServer_x64: QPR Web Application Server

    WebServices: QPR Web Services Foundation. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2, which is installed during the QPR 2023.1 installation if QPR Web Services Foundation is selected to be installed and the framework cannot be found on the computer.

    WASWebContents: QPR Web Application Server web contents required for QPR Portal.

    PortalShortcut: Start menu shortcut for local QPR Portal.



    To define installation location for these, provide values to the INSTALLDIR (all features except for WASWebcontents), CGI (WASWebContents) and WASWEB (WASWebContents) properties. When the WASWebContents feature is installed, you need to define both CGI (location for files which need execute permissions, such as qpr.isapi.dll) and WASWEB (location for other web content) properties.



    Example 2: Install QPR Suite 2023.1 Clients silently with only QPR Metrics and its desktop icon included and launch product activation at the end of the installation: QPR2023_Clients_Setup_x86.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLLEVEL=10 ADDLOCAL=Metrics,MetricsDesktopIcon INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\QPR 2023 Custom\" PRODUCTACTIVATION=2"



    Requirements for silent activation


    In order to use the PRODUCTACTIVATION=3 property succesfully, the following settings need to be present in the QPR_Shared.ini file located in the same folder with the QPR2023_<Clients | Servers>_Setup_x86.exe package. Substitute any possible whitespaces with a plus sign +.



    URL=<QPR activation server location>




    EntitlementID=<valid product activation entitlement>

    Email=<valid e-mail>



