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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide


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    Press the Logout link to terminate the QPR Portal session.


    Automatic Login


    If cookie-based login has been allowed and you have selected the "Login automatically next time" option at the login screen, your login information is stored into a cookie, and you can login again straight away by clicking the Relogin button (you do not have to provide the username and password again). You will also get straight into Portal the next time you access it from the same computer.


    To clear the login information from the cookie, click the Clear automatic login information button. After clicking the Clear automatic login information button you will need to enter your username and password again when logging into Portal for the next time. Use this option especially if you are not the only person using the same computer.


    In the case cookie-based login is not allowed or you have left the "Login automatically next time" unchecked, there is only the Relogin button, which will take you back to the login screen.