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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide


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    You can set your customized QPR Portal properties from the Settings page. The Settings page has the following four sections: My Profile, Manage My Bookmarks, Manage Shared Bookmarks, and Manage Basket.


    My Profile


    You can change your password, if password changing is enabled in the server settings. To change your QPR Portal login password, enter your old password, your new password and your new password again into the appropriate fields. This change does not affect any other passwords (such as NT or LDAP password), only your QPR Portal login password will be changed.


    In the E-mail address field you can enter you e-mail address. This is stored and used in the model communication systems such as comment systems and the e-mail alert systems.


    From the Default details pane mode drop-down list box you can select the user specific default Details Pane mode. Selecting "Disabled" will hide the Details Pane by default, selecting "Minimized" will set the Details Pane to minimized state by default, and selecting "Open" will set the Details Pane to open state by default.


    QPR Portal can be used with many different languages. From the Language drop-down list box you can select the language which is used with the QPR Portal.


    QPR Modeling Client and QPR Metrics support multiple modeling languages. Select the desired modeling language from the Modeling language drop-down list box. QPR Modeling Client and QPR Metrics models for which multilingual modeling has been enabled use this language's translations for model elements wherever translations have been defined. See the QPR Modeling Client - User's Guide and QPR Metrics - User's Guide manuals for more information about multilingual modeling.


    To save the current settings, press OK. This will take the settings into use and close the settings window.


    If you do not want that any change you have made will take effect, press the Close button and the previous settings will be restored and settings window will be closed.


    Manage My Bookmarks


    Here you can manage your personal bookmarks. There are radio buttons for selecting whether Bookmarks or Views are displayed. The difference between these choices is that Bookmarks displays bookmarked views and Views displays views saved in the View Designer view.


    To create a new bookmark, press the Create button and the Create New Bookmark window opens. Enter a name for the bookmark into the Link Name field and define its location into the Link Location field. The Direct Link field is pre-filled. If you want that the bookmark's target will also be your home page in the QPR Portal and changing the homepage has been allowed in the QPR Portal configuration, tick the Set as Homepage box. However, administrator users can set homepages regardless of the settings. Administrator users can also define the users who will see the bookmark. The publishing can be defined in the Publish To section and the options include: Author (only the administrator's views are affected), Everyone (every QPR Portal user's default view will be changed) and Selected users (the default view affects the users selected using the menu that is opened by clicking the Users button). When you have entered all the required information and wish to add the bookmark into your bookmarks, press the OK button. To cancel the operation, press Cancel.


    You can also modify bookmark data. Select a bookmark from the bookmark list and press the Properties button. This will open a window for modifying the bookmark data. When you are done with the modifications, press OK to save the current settings or Cancel to cancel the changes.


    Bookmarks can be grouped with separators. You can add a separator into the bookmark list by pressing the Create Separator button. To move a bookmark or a separator up or down in the bookmark list, select an item from the list and press the Up or Down buttons.


    To remove a bookmark or a separator from the bookmark list, select an item which you wish to remove and press the Delete button.


    Manage Shared Bookmarks


    Here you can manage shared bookmarks, which are bookmarks that multiple people have access to. For administrator users there is a "Show all" option, which defines whether all the shared bookmarks or just the administrator's own shared bookmarks are listed in the view. Only administrators can create shared bookmarks and therefore for other users only the Properties button is available in this view. There are also radio buttons for selecting whether Bookmarks, Views, or Quick links are displayed. The difference between these choices is that Bookmarks displays bookmarked views, Views displays views saved in the View Designer view, and Quick links displays those bookmarked views that are defined as quick links.


    To create a new bookmark, press the Create button and the Create New Bookmark window opens. Enter a name for the bookmark into the Link Name field and define its location into the Link Location field. The Direct Link field is pre-filled. If you want that the bookmark's target will also be your home page in the QPR Portal, tick the Set as Homepage box. Administrator users can also define the users who will see the bookmark. The publishing can be defined in the Publish To section and the options include: Author (only the administrator's views are affected), Everyone (every QPR Portal user's default view will be changed) and Selected users (the default view affects the users selected using the menu that is opened by clicking the Users button). When you have entered all the required information and wish to add the bookmark into your bookmarks, press the OK button. To cancel the operation, press Cancel.


    You can also modify bookmark data. Select a bookmark from the bookmark list and press the Properties button. This will open a window for modifying the bookmark data. When you are done with the modifications, press OK to save the current settings or Cancel to cancel the changes. This option is available for also non-administrator users, but only for viewing the bookmark as modifying a shared bookmark is possible for administrators only.


    Bookmarks can be grouped with separators. You can add a separator into the bookmark list by pressing the Create Separator button. To move a bookmark or a separator up or down in the bookmark list, select an item from the list and press the Up or Down buttons. Note that the Up and Down buttons are available only when the "Show all" option is selected, and therefore the options are available to administrators only.


    To remove a bookmark or a separator from the bookmark list, select an item which you wish to remove and press the Delete button.


    Manage Basket


    Basket is a repository for elements extracted from the views of QPR products.


    All basket items are grouped into following types:

    elements: actions, Metrics or QPR Modeling Client elements;

    views: Portal views (including Metrics and QPR Modeling Client views);

    briefing items: different data items, for example scorecard or dashboard SVG pictures, indicators and history charts of QPR Metrics elements, graphs of QPR Metrics elements (including both the indicator and the history chart in the layout), element values, QPR Modeling Client diagram pictures, and so forth.


    You can remove elements from the basket either one by one or all at one go. To remove a single element, select an element from the list and press Delete. To remove all elements, press the Delete All button.