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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > View Designer

    Matrix Designer View

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    The view designer for Matrix views provides the possibility to configure column width for both Attribute and Data columns as well as transpose the table.


    For both Attribute Column Properties and Data Column Properties, select whether the column uses relative width or fixed width. Relative width uses all the remaining width after fields with fixed width have allocated their respective space. In the case there are multiple fields with relative width, the remaining space is divided evenly for the fields. Fixed width allows you to define a pixel width for the field.


    Check the Transpose checkbox to transpose the table (i.e. switch the data columns to be displayed in the attribute column and vice versa).



    Managing Views


    The following sections provide information about managing views created in the Matrix View Designer.



    Saving Configured Views


    Click the "Apply" button to take the currently designed view into use in the preview pane below the view designer. Note that the Apply button just refreshes the preview pane for seeing the designed view in action, but the view is not yet saved anywhere. To save the view, use either the "Set as Default" or the "Save..." button. Note that this option does not update any previously saved views.


    Click the Save button to open a view in which you can provide a name for the designed view and define the users for who the view is published (i.e. the saved view is available for them to use). Note that replacing existing views is not possible, so if you want to replace some view, you will have to manually remove it first before saving. See the "Deleting Saved Views" section below for information about deleting views.


    Click the "Set as Default" button to set the configured view as the default view for yourself. For administrator users clicking the button opens a dialog for defining the users for who the designed view is set as the default view. Setting the view as default refreshes the preview pane below the designer and stores the view as the default view that is opened when the corresponding QPR Portal section is accessed, but does not save it in the sense that you cannot find it in the Views menu. Note that this option does not update any previously saved views listed in the view selection dialog but will replace just the default view saved for user(s) instead.



    Deleting Saved Views


    Saved views can be removed in the Settings dialog. Depending on the publishing settings, the views are stored either under the Manage My Bookmarks or the Manage Shared Bookmarks sections. The views you have published only to yourself are located under the Manage My Bookmarks section and the rest of the views are located under the Manage Shared Bookmarks section. Regardless of the section, click the Views radio button to switch the listing from bookmarks to views.