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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    Migrating to QPR 2023.1

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    While the QPR 2023.1 installation does recognize a QPR 8.1, 2012.1, 2012.2, 2014.1,  2015.1, 2016.1, 2017.1, and 2019.1 installation, an upgrade similar to older QPR versions is not offered or performed. Instead of upgrading the older version installation, QPR 2023.1 is installed side-by-side with the older version with default folders changed so that with the default settings of the older version installation are not overwritten (provided that also the older version was installed to default folders). If QPR 8.1, 2012.1, 2012.2, 2014.1, 2015.1, 2016.1, 2017.1 or 2019.1 is detected on the computer, there is  a possibility to launch the migration utility at the end of the QPR 2023.1 installation. With the help of the migration utility you can transfer your old settings and database from the old version easily. For more information for performing the migration, see the System Migration section in QPR - Configuration Instructions document.


    Some issues to note:

    The default communication ports are the same in both versions, so when installing QPR 2023.1 side-by-side with the older version, you either need to run only one version at a time or change the ports the other version is using

    Only one version can be registered for QPR scripting at a time. You may need to manually register the desired version by running QPR.Modeling.Client.exe /regserver or QPR.Metrics.Client.exe /regserver in the corresponding installation directories (note that the exe names were QPR.PG.Client.exe and QPR.SC.Client.exe in QPR 8.1).

    Customizations to QPR Portal templates do not get transferred automatically by the migration utility. See the next chapter for more information about transferring the Portal customizations.

    Tick marks in gauges included in QPR Metrics graphs now display the values according to the display settings defined for the measurement unit.

    The possibility to control the tabs sections in the processes' Detail View in QPR Portal (previously done in the 'Select Properties and Custom Attributes' dialog in QPR ProcessGuide) has been removed from the user interface in QPR 8.1. The visibility can now be controlled by editing the web templates.

    Settings for QPR Portal default views are stored in qpr.ini, so the relevant ini file sections should copied manually in addition to a database transfer. Note that when copying the ini file sections manually, the settings for QPR Portal should be migrated to the QPR_Servers.ini file.

    Check in all checked out QPR ProcessGuide, ProcessDesigner, or EnterpriseArchitect models before migrating the database.

    When migrating to QPR 2023.1, if you have customized the 'TemplateRoot' setting found in qpr.ini, you need to manually add 'Templates' to the folder path after the migration. For example, if the value of the TemplateRoot setting is 'D:\QPR\Templates\WAS' before the migration, add the 'Templates' folder to the value so that the value is 'D:\QPR\Templates\WAS\Templates' after the migration.

    If QPR authentication is used, it is recommended that users update their passwords after migrating from an older version to QPR 2022.1.


    Summary of automatic migration possibilities

    Transferred from 8.1, 2012.1, 2012.2, 2014.1, 2015.1, 2016.1, 2017.1 or 2019.1



    Settings (ini files)

    see note below

    Portal customizations


    qprsettings.dat file



    Settings in ini files are partially transferred. When using the transfer, any old passwords are converted to new stronger encryption when transferring to QPR 2023.1. However, other settings such as paths are transferred as such and you will need to review and most likely change them after the migration. Other alternative is to skip settings transfer and input the necessary passwords again using QPR Configuration Manager.