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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide

    My Briefings

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    Briefing Booklets are small booklets comprised of material from QPR Metrics and QPR Modeling Client. Additionally the briefings can contain text or the contents of any web page.


    The following information is displayed for every briefing on the briefing list:



    Name of the briefing.


    Time when the briefing was created.

    Created By

    Name of the person who created the briefing.

    Last Modified

    Date and time when the briefing was last modified.

    Last Modified by

    Name of the person who last modified the briefing.


    Recipients of the briefing.


    Reading a Briefing Booklet


    You can open a Briefing Booklet by clicking its name. The Briefing Booklet will be opened in a new browser window, which can be closed by clicking the Close button after reading the booklet. For administrator users, the booklet list is divided into three sections: My Briefing Booklets, which shows all the booklets the user has created, Shared Briefing Booklets, which lists all the booklets the administrator has created or is a recipient of, and All Briefing Booklets, which lists all booklets there are in the Portal. For users with update rights to QPR Portal the view shows two sections: My Briefing Booklets, which shows all the booklets the user has created, and Shared Briefing Booklets, which lists all the booklets the user has created or is a recipient of. For other users there is only the Shared Briefing Booklets section, which lists all the booklets the user is recipient of.


    Printing a Briefing Booklet


    In the lower right corner of the Briefing Booklet window there is a Print Preview link, which will open a view in which you can choose between two different print modes and print the complete Briefing Booklet easily. Clicking the Booklet mode and Pages only buttons will switch between the two printing layout modes and the Print button will print the booklet.


    Booklet mode: All the pages will be printed as they appear in the Briefing Booklet (i.e. the page template graphics are displayed).

    Pages only: All the pages will be printed in a consecutive order without any graphical properties.


    Logging out


    You can log out by clicking the Logout button in the lower right corner of the Briefing Booklet window. This will terminate the QPR Portal session. For automatic login options, see Logout.