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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

  • Navigation: Portal User's Guide > Processes


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    The Organizations page lists all organization items in the model. There are two modes for the organizations view, Summary mode and Details mode. Mode can be changed by clicking Show Details and Show Summary in the toolbar. In addition, if the Details Pane is enabled, it is shown on the lower part of the right side frame.


    Summary Mode


    In the summary mode the left frame of the window contains all the organization units of the model, and the selected organization unit is displayed in the right frame. The frame displays all the diagrams where the selected organization unit is included and provides links to the diagrams.


    Details Mode


    In addition to the information displayed in the summary mode, the details mode has the following extra sections: information section, organization items section, process steps section, resources section, connected users section, and custom attributes section.


    Information Section


    The information section displays additional information about an organization item; the organization item's symbol, type and a link to another organization item in the case the organization item is a part of another organization item.


    Organization Items Section


    If the organization item has any subitems (i.e. there are other organization items that are parts of the current organization item), those organization items are listed here. The list shows the type (icon) and the name of every organization item that belongs to the current organization item.


    Process Steps Section


    The process steps section lists all the process steps that belong to the organization item in the model. Each process step is listed with its type (icon), name, description, and owner.


    Resources Section


    The resources section lists all the resources connected to the current organization item. Each resource is listed with its type (icon) and name.


    Connected Users Section


    This section lists all the users connected to the current organization item. The users are listed by their names.


    Custom Attributes Section


    The custom attributes section lists all custom attributes that are connected to the organization item. All custom attributes are listed with their name and value.




    The toolbar contains the following options:

    Select Model

    Opens the Select Model window.

    QPR Modeling Client

    Opens the QPR Modeling Client application. This is visible only if user has rights to use client application and "Opening QPR Client applications from QPR Portal" is enabled from QPR Configuration Manager.


    Prints the contents of the active detail view.



    Creates a bookmark of the current view. The bookmark becomes available in the My Contents tab.

    Add to Basket

    Adds the current view to basket in order to use the view in your Briefing Booklet.

    Copy Link

    Copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.

    Show Summary

    Changes the view to the Summary mode. This link is visible when the Details mode is active.

    Show Details

    Changes the view to the Details mode. This link is visible when the Summary mode is active


    Allows you to attach a comment, an action plan, a lesson, or a document to the current view. The action becomes available in the Actions tab of QPR Portal.