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QPR Knowledge Base 2023.1

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    The Diagrams view displays a diagram contents of the selected diagram. The view is split into two parts, the left part of the view displays the diagram hierarchy tree and the element diagrams are displayed on the right side. In addition, if the Details Pane is enabled, it is shown on the lower part of the right side frame. The Navigator tree can be expanded or collapsed with the + and - signs next to the elements. Clicking the name of the diagram opens the diagram view on the right side of the view.


    Model can be selected by clicking the Select Model link above the diagram hierarchy. This will open a dialog that allows you to select the model by clicking the model name.  By default, the latest published version of a model is opened. To open a specific older version of a model, select the Show old model check box, and then select the version you want to open. In the model selection dialog base models are shown with a red icon, child models with a green icon, and other models with a blue icon. Clicking the name of the active model opens the Model Properties view.


    There are two modes for the diagrams view, Summary mode and Details mode. Mode can be changed by clicking Show Details and Show Summary in the toolbar. The mode is always reset to Summary mode when a new diagram is opened.


    The diagrams are published according to the Web publishing settings set in QPR Modeling Client. The user can view the parts of the model to which he/she has (at minimum) view rights to. The items displayed in the views act as links to various other views. The toolbar can be used to access other views or to modify the current view.


    Summary Mode


    In the summary mode there is only basic information available: title which shows the diagram name, description, and the owner. There is also a graph section and recent actions section in the summary mode. Links at the top a will open the details mode. Additionally, if the diagram has links to QPR Metrics measures and the QPR Metrics Server connection is available, also the measures section is shown.


    Details Mode


    Details mode shows all the information in summary mode, but there is also an information section, organization items section, diagrams section, incoming flows section, outgoing flows section, process steps section, notes section, resources section, information items section, custom attributes section, and measures section.


    Information Section


    Information section (shown only in details mode) shows additional information about the diagram: model name, symbol, process step type, version number, status, author, and comment.


    Graph Section


    The graph section displays the diagram image. The model elements in the diagram contain hotspots that link to various Detail views, showing information about the model elements. If the element is a cross-model interface or an external model process step, the hotspot can link to an external model. To select a hotspot, click on one of the icons on the bottom right-hand corner of the model element. With groups the hotspot is located closely around the group border and clicking it will open the group details view. With flows that come from or lead to another diagram, the source or destination diagram name is also a link to that diagram, so clicking the name of the source or destination diagram will open a corresponding diagram.


    Settings can be changed by clicking Graph Settings link, which will open a dialog that allows you to select the zoom size for the diagram. The zoom sizes are defined in the QPR Modeling Client (in the case model specific web publishing settings are used) or in the QPR Modeling Client Plugin Configuration. You can also zoom the diagram by using the mouse scroll wheel, or choose to define the zoom size by entering a percentage number and clicking "Zoom", or by clicking "Fit to window" or "Page width" to have the zoom size adjusted to the window size. Selecting the zoom size will refresh the diagram. "Cancel" will close the dialog without applying any changes. You can also zoom the diagram with the slider on the right side of the diagram, or with the mouse wheel when the Details Pane is enabled. Click the Home button on the right side of the diagram to return to the same zoom size as defined in the Select Zoom Size window. Double-click the Home button to go to the parent diagram. To pan the diagram, left-click the diagram, hold the mouse button down and drag the mouse. Panning can also be done with the arrow buttons on the right side of the diagram.



    The following links are available for different model elements:

    Detail View


    Opens the Detail view of the model element. This is visible only with subprocesses, external models and linked interface elements. The detail view for other model elements opens when clicking the element.

    Information Items


    Opens the information item when the there is only one information item in the element. When there are more than one information items in the element, opens the Details Pane with the Information Items page shown.



    Opens the note's Detail View.

    Measure Values


    Opens the Hierarchy view for the corresponding measure.

    Subprocess Diagram


    Click on the element to view the diagram of the subprocess in the right frame.

    Start or Destination diagram for a flow

    Click on the beginning/end of the flow (i.e. on the 'o'), to view the diagram in which the flow begins/ends.


    Recent Actions Section


    Recent actions section shows a table of the attached items that are recently created or modified. Type field shows the icon for the action type, Header shows the action's header, User shows the action's author and Date shows when the action was created or modified. By clicking the item name, the details of the item will be opened, depending on the type of the item.


    Clicking Add in the section title will open a view for adding actions for the current diagram. The Show All link will open an action view for the diagram for viewing actions linked to it. Creating new actions through the view is also possible.


    Organization Items Section


    The organization items section lists all organization items the current diagram belongs to. Each organization item is listed with its type (icon) and name.


    Diagrams Section


    The diagrams section lists the parent diagram of the current diagram. Each diagram is listed with its type (icon) and name.


    Incoming Flows Section


    The incoming flows section lists all the flows coming to the diagram from some other diagram. Each flow is listed with its type (icon), name, and from which diagram it is coming from.


    Outgoing Flows Section


    The outgoing flows section lists all the flows going out from the diagram to some other diagram. Each flow is listed with its type (icon), name, and to which diagram it is going to.


    Process Steps Section


    The process steps section lists all the process steps in the current diagram. Each process step is listed with its type (icon), name, description, and owner.


    Notes Section


    The notes section lists all the notes in the current diagram. Each note is listed with its type (icon), name, and description.


    Resources Section


    The resources section lists all the resources connected to the current diagram. Each resource is listed with its type (icon) and name.


    Information Items Section


    The information items section lists all the information items connected to the current diagram. Each information item is listed with its name, type, and location.


    Custom Attributes Section


    The custom attributes section lists all main level custom attributes with their name and value.


    Measures Section


    The Measures section lists all QPR Metrics measures connected to process steps in the current diagram and to process steps in the current diagram's child diagrams (one level down from the active level). The type field shows the icon for the measure type, name shows the measure's name, process step shows the process step the measure is connected to, value shows the measure's value, color displays graphical illustration of the measure's value within a predefined scale and trend shows the current development of the measure value. Clicking the name opens the measure in the Hierarchy Views section of the QPR Portal.




    The toolbar contains the following options:

    Select Model

    Opens the Select Model window.

    QPR Modeling Client

    Opens the QPR Modeling Client application. This is visible only if user has rights to use client application and "Opening QPR Client applications from QPR Portal" is enabled from QPR Configuration Manager.


    Prints the contents of the active detail view.



    Creates a bookmark of the current view. The bookmark becomes available in the My Contents tab.

    Add to Basket

    Adds the current view to basket in order to use the view in your Briefing Booklet.

    Copy Link

    Copies the URL link of the current view to the clipboard for sharing (Internet Explorer), or shows a dialog from where the link can be copied.


    Allows you to attach a comment, an action plan, a lesson, or a document to the current view. The action becomes available in the Actions tab of QPR Portal.

    Export to Office

    Opens the Export to Office tool frame. This is visible only if QPR Web Services Foundation is installed and available.

    Full Screen

    Opens the diagram into a new full screen browser window.

    Graph Settings

    Opens a dialog that allows you to select the zoom size for the diagram.


    Goes up one diagram (i.e. displays the parent diagram). This option is visible if there is a higher-level diagram available.


    Opens the view selection dialog.

    Show Element List

    Opens the element list view.

    Show Summary

    Changes the view to the Summary mode. This link is visible when the Details mode is active.

    Show Details

    Changes the view to the Details mode. This link is visible when the Summary mode is active.